How to Identify an Inexperienced Manager and What to Do About It

If you’re in the workforce long enough, you will work for an inexperienced manager at some point. Chances are, you’ve already met one; if you haven’t, you will soon. Inexperienced managers can be a nightmare to work for because they often play games with their subordinates and are too controlling to delegate tasks.

On a positive note, inexperienced managers usually don’t last long. They either improve, or their incompetence catches up with them, and they get escorted out of the building. But unfortunately, inexperienced managers can damage your mental health, family life, and career. This blog post will discuss tips for spotting inexperienced managers and how to survive working for one.

How do inexperienced people become managers?

Inexperienced people become a manager for a variety of reasons.


Top-performing employees are often promoted to management because their company wants to retain their skills and knowledge. Additionally, there is a belief that top performers can develop others to become top performers. But unfortunately, many top performers don’t become top-performing managers.

Inexperienced people become managers because they fit the idea of the type of person to represent the company. They look a certain way, have a particular degree level, or are part of the echo chamber. Often, these people are insiders who are good at playing office politics. They know how to curry favor with those in power and how to network. However, they have no interest in learning how to manage.

Inexperienced people become managers because they are skilled at character assassination. They know how to kill the competition by tearing them down. Inexperienced people get promoted because they are experts at spreading rumors and gossip. They will often go out of their way to make others look bad.


Inexperienced people get promoted because they drink the office kool-aid. They often have little experience in the workforce and even less experience managing people. Yet, they follow the company guidelines, never push back on anything, and will willingly walk through fire for the company.

Inexperienced managers get promoted because they are highly skilled at self-promotion. They know how to make themselves look good and often have little experience managing people. They fill the C-Suit with empty promises of results and stretch the truth with overly inflated metrics. Additionally, they manufacture fires to create accomplishments to add to their achievements.

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How do inexperienced managers affect your work life?

Inexperienced managers can be a real challenge to work for. They may not have the skills to manage people effectively, leading to workplace tension and stress. As a result, they increase turnover.


Inexperienced managers may also be more controlling and not good at delegating tasks. This can mean you have to do a lot more work than you should and can lead to frustration.

Inexperienced managers can also be less effective at making decisions, slowing the work process. Overall, working for an inexperienced manager can be very frustrating and stressful and hurt your work life.

Inexperienced managers make bad recruitment decisions. They hire people who won’t outshine them or question their decisions. As a result, the team and department will suffer because they aren’t hiring the best person for the job.


Inexperienced managers can also lower morale. For example, they may not communicate well with their employees, leading to confusion and frustration. Inexperienced managers can also create a lot of uncertainty in the workplace, leading to a lack of motivation and low morale.

How do inexperienced bosses affect your family life?

Inexperienced managers can have a significant impact on your family life. They often cause high-stress levels, long hours, and late-night fires.

Stress is one of the most common problems caused by inexperienced managers. Relaxing and spending time with your family is hard when constantly stressed out. Unfortunately, you may also snap at your spouse and kids more often. This can damage your relationships and make it difficult to enjoy time together.


In addition to stress, inexperienced managers often cause long hours. As a result, you may work late into the night or come in on weekends. This can make it challenging to spend time with your family and do things you enjoy. It can also lead to fatigue and burnout.

Finally, inexperienced managers are often responsible for creating late-night fires. This is when something unimportant or made up goes wrong at work, and you must stay up all night trying to fix it. This can be highly disruptive to your sleep schedule and cause extreme fatigue. It can also be damaging to your mental health.

How do inexperienced managers affect your career?

Inexperienced managers can be a massive detriment to your career.


They often provide no feedback. Inexperienced managers don’t provide positive reinforcement or offer tips on where or how to improve. As a result, you may start to doubt your abilities and feel like you’re not meeting your potential.

Inexperienced bosses don’t offer to coach. Yet, you can’t refine and develop into a successful professional without coaching. Instead, they leave you feeling lost and without any guidance.

Additionally, inexperienced managers can make moving up in the company challenging. They may be hesitant to give you opportunities for advancement because they don’t feel confident in your abilities.


Inexperienced managers can ruin your career because they often talk badly about you to their boss and colleagues. In addition, they may try to make you look bad to make themselves look good. It creates the perception you are untrustworthy or incompetent. As a result, getting promoted or finding a new job may be difficult. Additionally, inexperienced bosses use character assassination to make maintaining positive relationships with coworkers difficult.

Working for an inexperienced manager can prevent you from achieving your career goals.

6 Signs You Have an Inexperienced Manager

  1. Look for signs of insecurity. Inexperienced managers are often very insecure and may try to control everything to make themselves look good. As a result, they may be hesitant to delegate tasks and give employees the freedom to make decisions.
  2. Watch for a lack of knowledge. Inexperienced managers often don’t know much about the industry or their job. This can lead to them making poor decisions and causing chaos in the workplace.
  3. Be aware of micromanagement tendencies. Inexperienced managers often micromanage their employees in an attempt to control everything. This can be highly frustrating and stifling for employees.
  4. Notice poor communication skills. Inexperienced managers often have poor communication skills and may not be good at explaining their decisions or providing feedback. This can lead to confusion and frustration among employees.
  5. Look out for hiring mistakes. Inexperienced managers often make poor hiring decisions and may hire people who are not qualified or will not challenge them. This can lead to a lack of productivity and competence in the department or team.
  6. Watch for disruptive behavior. Inexperienced managers can be disruptive and cause tension in the workplace with their behavior.

6 Tips for Surviving Working with an Inexperienced Boss

If you find yourself working for an inexperienced manager, don’t panic. There are things you can do to make the experience more bearable. Here are six tips for surviving working for an inexperienced boss:

  1. Stay positive. It’s important to stay positive and have a good attitude, even when things are tough. Don’t let the inexperience of your boss get you down.
  2. Communicate effectively. Make sure you communicate with your boss effectively and ask questions if you don’t understand something. This will help prevent any misunderstandings.
  3. Stay focused on your goals. Remember why you’re working for this boss and focus on achieving your goals. Don’t let the inexperience of your boss distract you from what’s important.
  4. Keep a positive relationship with your colleagues. Try to maintain a positive relationship with your colleagues, even if difficult. This will help keep the workplace calm and productive.
  5. Take advantage of the resources available to you. Ask people with more experience than you for help and advice whenever possible. Many resources are available to help you learn and grow as a professional.
  6. Don’t take things too personally. Inexperienced managers often make mistakes and say inappropriate things.

Working for an inexperienced boss can be difficult, but there are things you can do to make the experience more bearable. With these tips, you’ll be able to survive and thrive while working for an inexperienced boss.

Last updated on May 4th, 2023 at 05:38 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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