Tips for Following Up After a Meeting with Your Manager

Meetings with your manager can be stressful. You want to ensure that you are presenting yourself in the best light and communicating effectively. An often-overlooked aspect of these meetings is the follow-up. Doing so demonstrates your commitment to the topics discussed, shows that you are taking the initiative, and helps ensure that both parties are on the same page about the project. In this blog post, we will discuss how to properly follow up after a meeting with your manager so that you can get the most out of every conversation.

Take Notes During the Meeting

The first step in following up after a meeting with your manager is taking notes. Having notes allows you to reference what was discussed quickly. Taking notes during the meeting also ensures everyone is on the same page. Additionally, taking notes shows your manager that you are paying attention and are invested in the project. This will make them more likely to trust your judgment when making decisions related to the project.

Send a Recap

Sending a recap after your meeting is a great way to confirm what you reviewed and any action items. Your recap should include details about the topics discussed during the meeting and the due dates of the action items. It’s also important to thank them for any advice or feedback they provided during the meeting.


Create an Action Plan

Once the meeting is over, it’s time to create an action plan based on the discussion. This plan should include specific tasks that need to be completed, deadlines, and who owns each task. Share the action plan to keep everyone on track and ensure progress toward accomplishing the goals during the meeting.

Follow Up After Tasks Have Been Completed

It’s essential to follow up once tasks are completed, or progress is made toward achieving those goals. Doing so lets you and your manager stay informed about how far along you are completing the project. It also helps build trust by demonstrating your commitment and dedication toward completing tasks assigned by your manager.

Don’t Assume You Know Everything

Just because something was said in a meeting doesn’t mean it is necessarily true or applicable in all situations. Sometimes things change quickly in business environments! Therefore, if there is any doubt or confusion regarding what was discussed in a meeting, don’t hesitate to reach out directly with additional questions or clarification requests. Not only will this help ensure accuracy, but it will also demonstrate respect for both parties involved in the situation.


Set Up Regular Check-Ins With Your Manager

Finally, it’s vital to set up regular check-ins with your manager so that you can keep track of progress and stay on top of any new initiatives or projects they may have coming down the pipeline. These check-ins don’t necessarily have to be long meetings; even just sending an email once a week can help build rapport between you two and ensure that communication lines remain open between them and their employees.

By following these tips on following up after meetings with managers, you will remain organized and professional while still getting your work done efficiently and effectively. Taking the initiative by asking meaningful questions shows dedication and commitment. As a result, you demonstrate engagement with your manager.

In addition, ensuring all details from meetings are accurate by double-checking them through direct communication will help build trust while keeping everyone on the same page.


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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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