How to Stop Waiting for Change | Your Talents and Skills Are Needed Now

Waiting for something to change holds you back because it narrows your focus. Waiting for that thing you’ve been wanting or asking for, or for some situation to improve causes inaction. When you feel like your life is hinging on one single thing happening before you can act causes you to withdraw and your light starts to dim. You stop living and working at an optimal level. When your light is dim everyone around you suffers because they can’t be their best if you aren’t being your best.

Waiting on something to change causes you to look all around for signs that the change is happening. You become hyper-focused on waiting and watching for it to happen. Working it out in your own mind, figuring out how it is going to happen and only when change comes will you act, but this causes missed opportunities. 

All this waiting has created inaction which causes you to struggle. By waiting for things to change before you start acting, you miss opportunities that need your talents and skills. Time is precious and to you have the ability for exponential growth if you are willing to shake it off and put forth the effort to stop waiting and get started.


Why You Now Should Stop Waiting for Change

Life is meant to be full of excitement, joy, and passion. To realize those benefits you cannot keep waiting on something before you act. You have the ability to tap into your internal resources and thrive. Start thriving by doing that new thing now, not when you think you might be ready. Not when the change comes or by waiting on someone else to make it happen for you. 

In order to start doing that new thing now, you have to believe it and perceive it. Before you can perceive it you have to widen your perspective and the lense that you are viewing things from. Widening your perspective and lens changes your focus from waiting on a change to acting on possibilities.

How to Change Your Perspective to See Opportunities

Find a window or place where you can see for a long distance. Look at all that is happening. See the trees, the sky, clouds and people walking about. Look, see and watch. This causes your perspective to relax. Your mind starts to open. You start to look beyond the problems and things that need to change and start seeing the opportunities. You were meant to shine in those opportunities not dim from the former problems and challenges that need to change. Shake them off and start acting.


Believe that change doesn’t have to happen before you get started. Right now your talents and skills are needed but waiting for something to change or the right moment to get started, you are holding them back like a caged bird. In order to be your best self, you have to start now not when change comes.

Stop waiting and shake it off. Redirect your focus and perspective to start getting to those new things that need your talents and skills. Get out of the narrow and stop focusing on the strains and stress of things that need to change because you can be the change by getting started now.

Last updated on January 5th, 2019 at 07:13 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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