8 Side Hustle Ideas That Can Make You Better at Your Day Job

The term “side hustle” has been around for many years now. There are many ways to bring in extra income from graphic designers selling on UpWork to financial planners writing ebooks. And making extra money is the first thing that comes to mind when you consider the value a side hustle can bring your life.

Additionally, a side hustle is a great way to maximize your downtime for something productive and personally fulfilling. However, the right side hustle can also make you better at your day job. Even if the extra money is your priority, starting a side gig that complements your main job provides additional long-term value beyond your checking account.

These eight side hustle ideas not only make you extra money, but they also improve your performance at your day job.


1. Provide mentoring or coaching online.

No matter where you live, you can mentor or coach someone online. Starting a side hustle for mentoring or coaching is a great way to make extra money, but it will also sharpen your soft skills. To be successful at coaching, you need to create relationships, listen and communicate, and teach and convey ideas. All of these skills are crucial to your day job.

2. Sell services on Fiverr of Freelancer

You can freelance for just about anything there is a demand for. Platforms like Fiverr and Freelancer make it easy to find clients and get paid. Providing services on these platforms helps you learn to market yourself, articulate your skills, and demonstrate the value you bring. Additionally, doing a side hustle gives you more opportunities to hone your skills.

3. Start a blog.

Yes, you can make money starting a blog. Having a blog as a side gig gives you creative escape while developing all sorts of skills that directly translate to your day job. Creating a blog helps you with time management and organization skills. Above all, starting a blog as a side hustle hones your writing skills, making you a better communicator.


4. Create an online class.

Create an online course with Udemy or Teachable to leverage some of your skills with this side hustle. Creating an online course isn’t easy, but you can look forward to residual income once it is complete. The best way to learn is to teach. Writing, communication, presentation, and organization skills are needed for this side hustle, and all of them translate to your day job.

5. Write an ebook.

Creating an ebook brings a good deal of passive income for a side hustle. Writing an ebook starts with developing a strategy and a business use case. Additionally, copywriting and storytelling skills are necessary for this side hustle. The skills you will use in creating an ebook will transfer nicely to your day job.

6. Start a podcast.

Having a podcast as a side hustle can be financially rewarding. You will need to focus on growing your listeners before you start to see the money. Having a podcast side gig requires the ability to interview people, sell yourself, verbally communicate, learn to use your voice to convey empathy and emotion, and time management and organization skills. Those skills will come in handy at your full-time job.


7. Create YouTube tutorials.

YouTube tutorials as a side hustle aren’t the quickest way to make money, but you can gain skills to transfer to your day job. This side hustle requires you to engage and keep people’s interest for the duration of your tutorial. Planning, communicating, teaching, engaging an audience, and marketing yourself are skills you will gain with this side hustle that you can use at your full-time job.

8. Become a consultant.

When you have a lot of experience in a given area, consulting can be a very lucrative side hustle. Consultants solve problems and design solutions. Interpersonal, communication, creativity, and innovation, along with problem-solving and strategic planning, are some of the many skills you will use when consulting. Consequently, all of those skills will earn you career advancement at your day job.

As you can see, there are many side hustles that you can start that not only earn you money but will also help you climb the ladder at your day job. In addition to improving those skills, having a side hustle helps with networking. Meeting new people from different backgrounds will give you access to opportunities you would never have otherwise.


Side gigs help you break free from your routine, which gives you new perspectives and new avenues to develop your skills. That, in turn, helps have a positive impact on your performance at your day job.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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