Investing in Managers: Why It’s Critical and How to Do It

It’s no secret that good managers are critical to the success of any organization. A study by Gallup showed that poor management is the number one reason employees leave their jobs. But many leaders don’t realize it’s not just about hiring good managers. It’s also about investing in them. By taking care of your managers and giving them the development and support they need, you can help improve employee retention and engagement. This blog post will discuss why investing in managers is crucial and how you can do it.

Why are good managers critical for organizational success?

A good manager can connect with their team, inspire them to do their best work, and help them grow professionally and personally. They can also manage and execute the organization’s core values. But most importantly, a good manager is someone who can lead by example.

Good managers are critical for organizational success because they play a vital role in employee engagement and retention. For example, the infamous Gallup study found that people don’t leave bad jobs. They leave bad managers. And a recent Salesforce poll found that employees view their managers as a more trusted source than executives.


Good managers are essential for retaining employees and achieving success as an organization. And the best way to ensure that your managers are up to the task is to invest in them.

Four Core Areas Managers Need to Excel At and Why Each is Critical

There are four core areas that managers need to excel in to be successful. These include:

Connecting with Their Team

The ability for managers to connect with their teams is critical for several reasons. First, when managers can connect with their team, it helps create a sense of trust and connection. This can make employees feel more comfortable sharing ideas and suggestions, which can help improve productivity and creativity.


Additionally, when employees feel connected to their manager, they are more likely to be engaged in their work. As a result, organizations that invest in developing the connection skills of their managers are more likely to see improved employee retention and engagement.

Good Managers Implement Organizational Core Values

One of the essential roles of a manager is to help ensure that the team’s work reflects the organization’s core values. When managers can effectively do this, it can create a strong sense of purpose and connection to the organization.

Furthermore, implementing the organization’s core values can help improve employee engagement and loyalty. Employees who feel their work aligns with the organization’s values are more likely to be motivated and invested in their work.


Coaching and Mentoring Skills

Managers who are effective coaches and mentors can help employees grow and develop their skills. This can not only improve employee satisfaction but also result in better performance. Coaching and mentoring skills can help managers manage difficult conversations and constructively provide feedback.

Fostering Inclusion and Belonging

Managers skilled in inclusion and belonging can create an environment where all employees feel valued and accepted. When employees feel like they belong, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and feel connected to the company. Additionally, organizations that prioritize inclusion and belonging tend to have a more diverse workforce, which can lead to new perspectives and ideas.

How to Invest in Improving Managers in the Four Core Areas

Leaders must help managers improve in the four core areas to ensure they are happy and effective in their roles. Here is how to invest in the growth of managers.


How to Invest in Managers by Helping Them Connect With Their Team

Helping managers connect with their team is important because it creates a strong connection between the team and the manager. When managers feel connected to their team, they are more likely to be engaged and invested in their work. Leaders can help their managers connect with their teams by providing tools and resources to help them understand and connect with them. Some ways to do this include:

  • Providing training on how to communicate with and engage team members
  • Helping managers create connections with individual team members
  • Encouraging managers to participate in team activities
  • Facilitating open communication between the manager and the team

How to Help Managers Implement and Execute the Organization’s Core Values

One of the most important things a manager can do is help to implement and execute the organization’s core values. When managers can do this, it helps to uphold the organization’s values. Leaders can help their managers implement and execute the organization’s core values by providing training and resources on how to do this. Some ways to do this include:

  • Training managers on how to identify and articulate the organization’s core values
  • Helping managers create a plan for how to integrate the organization’s values into their work
  • Providing resources for managers to use when communicating the organization’s values to their team
  • Encouraging managers to model the organization’s values in their interactions with employees

How to Invest in Managers to Help Them Improve Their Coaching and Mentoring Skills

One of the most important ways leaders can invest in their managers is by coaching and mentoring them in developing their coaching and mentoring skills. Coaching and mentoring managers can help them better connect with their team, implement and execute the company’s core values, and develop their leadership skills. Some ways to coach and mentor managers on coaching and mentoring skills include:

  • Teaching managers about the different stages of the coaching process
  • Helping managers create a plan for how to integrate coaching into their work
  • Providing resources that will help managers coach employees effectively
  • Encouraging managers to leverage coaching skills in all their interactions with employees
  • Encourage managers to shadow other coaches or mentors

How to Help Managers Foster Inclusion and Belonging

Leaders can help managers create a more inclusive and welcoming environment in the workplace by equipping them with the necessary skills to foster these attitudes. Some ways to help managers develop these skills include:

  • Providing training on recognizing and addressing any signs of discrimination or exclusion.
  • Encourage managers to create an open and positive environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their experiences and perspectives.
  • Helping managers develop their coaching and mentoring skills, so they can provide support and guidance to employees who may be struggling with feelings of exclusion or isolation.
  • Encouraging managers to connect with their team members personally by getting to know them beyond their work role. This can help employees feel seen and valued, which can help reduce feelings of isolation.

The quality of the manager directly correlates to employee retention and engagement. Therefore, investing in and developing your managers is critical for organizational success. There are many ways to invest in and develop your managers, including coaching and mentoring, training on core values, and skills related to inclusion and belonging. You can help your managers connect with their teams and create a positive work environment by prioritizing this investment.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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