30 Things Successful Managers Do Consistently

Every manager wants to be successful and effective in their role. But what separates successful managers from ineffective ones is a combination of habits and actions they do consistently. To be successful as a manager, it’s crucial to develop habits that create a positive and productive culture. In this post, we will discuss the thirty habits of successful managers.

What makes managers successful?

Many qualities contribute to managerial success, such as solid communication and problem-solving skills, motivating and inspiring employees, and focusing on results rather than procedures. But perhaps the most critical attribute of a successful manager is the ability to adapt to change. In today’s rapidly-changing business environment, managers who can quickly adapt to new challenges and opportunities will be more successful than those who are hesitant to change.

30 Habits of Successful Managers

Successful management is about good habits. The actions may vary depending on the individual manager, but there are some common activities they do regularly. Below is a list of thirty things every successful manager does to be productive and effective.


1. Greet employees

One of the best ways to start the day is to greet your employees. This sends a message that you are approachable and open to communication. It also helps to build a positive relationship with your team.

2. Listen to their employees

By listening to employees, managers can learn about what is happening on the ground level, gain better insights into problems and solutions, and collect valuable feedback. Some tips for listening to employees include:

  • Making eye contact
  • Showing interest in what they are saying
  • Not interrupting
  • Letting them finish their thoughts

By listening to their employees, managers can create a more open and productive workplace environment.


3. Talk about the organization’s core values

Successful managers know the importance of organizational values cannot be overstated. They provide a roadmap for how a company should behave, making it easier to make decisions that align with its mission and vision. In addition, when employees know and believe in an organization’s values, they are more likely to be motivated to do their best work.

4. Successful managers set goals for the month

Setting goals for the month and clarifying what they want to achieve is vital for successful managers. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the month.

5. Review your goals from last month

Did you meet your goals from last month? If not, why not? What can you do to make sure you meet them this month? Successful managers review past goals because it essential in setting new goals for the month ahead.


6. Plan out your week

One way successful managers stay productive and organized is to plan out their week. This helps them stay on track and make the most of your time.

7. Review your current projects and tasks

Are there any projects or tasks that need to be prioritized this month? Successful managers make a list of the projects and tasks that need to be completed, and develop a plan to complete them.

8. Check in with your team members

Successful managers check in with their team members to see how they are doing and to find out if there is anything you can do to help them. This will help to build a strong team and to keep everyone on track.


9. Successful managers hold weekly team meetings

Successful managers hold weekly team meetings to keep everyone on track. In the weekly team meeting, update employees on what is happening within the company, discuss any problems that have arisen, and provide direction and support to employees. Team meetings should be kept short and to the point to avoid wasting everyone’s time.

10. Celebrate success

Successful managers celebrate success by recognizing their employees’ hard work and accomplishments. They also take the time to thank their employees for their contributions.

Successful managers celebrate success, encouraging employees to continue working hard and strive for excellence. It also helps employees feel appreciated and valued, boosting morale and encouraging them to stay with the company for the long haul.


11. Lead by example

Successful managers lead by example. This means setting the right tone for the workplace and behaving in a way that employees can emulate. Managers should always be aware of their actions and how they impact their team.

12. Deal with difficult situations calmly and effectively

Difficult situations are bound to come up from time to time. Successful managers deal with these situations calmly and effectively. As a result, they maintain a positive work environment and resolve problems as they arise.

13. Delegate tasks effectively

One of the critical skills of successful managers is the ability to delegate tasks effectively. Managers can free up their time to focus on more important tasks by delegating to employees.


14. Successful managers stay organized

Successful managers are typically very organized. This helps them to stay on top of their tasks and to manage their time efficiently.

15. Be proactive, not reactive

Successful managers are proactive, not reactive. They take the initiative to identify potential problems and address them before they become more significant issues.

16. Successful managers take care of themselves

Successful managers take care of themselves both physically and mentally. This means making time for exercise, relaxation, and self-care. It is also essential to have a good work-life balance and to model that balance for employees.


17. Set boundaries with employees

Successful managers set boundaries with employees. This means establishing rules and limits regarding what employees can and cannot do. By doing this, managers can maintain a positive work environment and keep employees from crossing the line.

When setting boundaries, it is vital to be clear and concise. Managers should ensure that employees understand the expectations and what will happen if they break the rules.

18. Be knowledgeable about company policies and procedures

Successful managers know company policies and procedures to ensure that employees follow them correctly. Managers should also be familiar with HR policies in case any employee issues arise. Above all, apply the policies and procedures consistently and fairly across all employees.


19. Successful managers are approachable and available to employees

Employees may need assistance or guidance from time to time, and successful managers are available to them when needed. This can be done through regular office hours or by arranging specific times to meet with employees one-on-one.

20. Keep up with industry news

Successful managers keep up with industry news. This includes reading trade publications, attending industry events, and networking with other professionals in the industry.

21. Practice humility

Successful managers are often successful because they acknowledge their faults and appreciate their team’s feedback. They do not let their success go to their head and are always willing to learn and grow. Practicing humility is one of the key traits that separate successful managers from the rest.


22. Smile

Successful managers smile because happiness and enthusiasm are contagious. When you smile, it not only makes you feel happier but also makes the people around you feel happier. So when you smile at someone, they are likely to smile back. This not only makes them feel good, but it also strengthens the bond between you and that person.

23. Nurture growth and promote learning

Successful managers understand the importance of growth and learning. They know their employees need to learn and grow to keep up with the competition. Therefore, successful managers always look for opportunities for their employees to learn and grow.

Some ways that successful managers promote learning and growth include:

  • Encouraging employees to attend seminars, workshops, and training sessions
  • Offering financial assistance for employees to pursue higher education
  • Allowing employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities
  • Allowing employees to work with other teams or departments
  • Encouraging creativity and innovation

24. Ask questions

By asking questions, successful managers can better understand their employees, the company, and the industry. They also find it easier to develop innovative solutions when they have all the relevant information.

25. Stay positive

No matter what challenges they face, successful managers maintain a positive attitude. This helps them stay motivated and focused on their goals. It also encourages others around them to remain positive as well.

26. Get to know their employees

Successful managers get to know their employees as people. This helps them understand their employees better and allows them to relate to them on a personal level.


When managers get to know their employees as people, they learn more about their interests, their families, and their goals. They can use this information to create a more positive work environment and help managers better understand their employees’ needs.

Additionally, when managers know their employees as people, they can better empathize with them and provide support during difficult times. They also better understand what makes their employees happy and how they can inspire them to do their best work.

27. Create an inclusive environment

A successful manager understands the importance of creating an inclusive environment where all employees feel comfortable and valued. They create an environment where employees feel free to express their opinions and ideas and where they feel comfortable asking questions.


Additionally, successful managers must be aware of their biases and willing to change their behaviors. They must also be open to feedback and ready to make necessary changes.

Successful managers create inclusion by:

  • Encouraging employees to participate in team meetings
  • Creating an environment where employees feel safe raising concerns
  • Avoid making assumptions about employees’ abilities or preferences
  • Allow employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities
  • Celebrate diversity

28. Get their hand dirty

One of the best ways for managers to learn about their employees is to get their hands dirty and work alongside them. This allows managers to see how their employees work, and it also allows them to ask questions. Additionally, they can identify areas where they need to make changes or improvements.


29. Stay focused

Successful managers know that they need to stay focused on their goals to be successful. So they set priorities and avoid distractions. By staying focused, successful managers can achieve more and maintain a high level of productivity. They also find it easier to stay organized and keep track of their progress.

30. Get out of the way

Successful managers know they hired capable employees, so they get out of their way. This means allowing their employees to take the lead and providing them with the freedom and flexibility they need to succeed.

So, what does it take to be a successful manager? In short, it takes hard work, dedication, and a commitment to continuous learning. But most importantly, it takes humility and the ability to put the needs of others before your own.


Successful managers understand that for their team to succeed, they need to get out of the way and allow their employees to take the lead. They also know how important it is to celebrate success by recognizing their employees’ hard work and accomplishments.

To become a successful manager, start by incorporating some of these habits into your routine. And if you’re still feeling lost or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. I’d be happy to connect with you to help you reach your goals!

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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