How to Harness the Power of Positive Self-Talk

The conversations you have with yourself are vital and far more important than the conversations you have with those around you. The best part of the conversations you have with yourself is that you are in total control of that conversation, you get to choose how those conversations go. Choosing wisely can harness the power of self-talk to help you be more successful. Start every morning telling yourself you have two choices, be happy or be very happy. Take an hour a day in seclusion to explore thoughts, ideas and develop strategies. Conduct a weekly audit to evaluate and make necessary course corrections. Doing these three things gives you greater control over your success.

Self-talk is defined as the act or practice of talking to oneself either aloud or silently. Self-talk falls into two categories cheerful and positive or negative and self-defeating. It combines conscious thoughts and unconscious beliefs and biases. Your brain processes and interprets daily experiences effectively through self-talk.

You can craft the conversations with yourself any way you want because you are in control of those conversations. The key to crafting those conversations is to direct most of them to be positive. The moment you start to linger on something negative or self-defeating, deal with it, discount it and redirect it towards something positive.


When the conversation with yourself is doubt and dread change it to one that gets you fired up and excited. When you are saying to yourself “what if I do a bad job, I’ll be so embarrassed” change it to “I’m going to do it, I can do it, I will be my best self”. Remember the anticipation of something is always worse than the something ends up being.

Three Ways to Harness the Power of Self-Talk to Reach Your Goals

1) Wake up every day telling yourself you only have two choices. You can be happy or you can be very happy. Tell yourself that there are no other choices. As a result, your mind focuses on positively first before any other thoughts.

2) Once a day find an hour and go somewhere quiet. Take a notebook and pen and as things come to your mind write them down. Fixate and explore them in your mind and outloud to yourself. Taking this hour will give you your best ideas and strategies.


3) Once a week, use self-talk to conduct a personal audit on the week’s activities. These mental audits require positive self-talk to evaluate if you are making progress in the areas you need to. Have a conversation with yourself on what you are doing good and what isn’t working. Then make course corrections as necessary.

Change the conversation you are having with yourself and harness the power of self-talk. Craft those conversations from negative and self-doubting to positive and encouraging so you can become confident and fired up. Use self-talk to hold yourself to the utmost highest standard by reflecting and evaluating your days and weeks progress. Then make the necessary course corrections from these evaluations. In doing these three things, you can harness the power of positive self-talk to be more successful and achieve your goals.

Last updated on September 29th, 2018 at 07:03 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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