Help! My Boss Sets Unclear Expectations or Frequently Changes Them

One of the biggest complaints employees have is their boss sets unclear expectations or frequently changes what success looks like. The old philosophy of sucking it up and dealing with a bad boss no longer applies. To be successful in your career, you need to clarify expectations so they don’t doubt your ability to execute. Don’t allow your boss to sit on their throne and pass judgment or treat you like a commodity. When your boss gives unclear expectations or changes them like their underpants, this approach might help.

What are the impacts of a boss who sets unclear expectations?

  • Communication suffers – without clear expectations, you don’t know who to communicate with or what to communicate to them.
  • Team conflict – without clear expectations, multiple people are working on the same thing, or you have an expectation someone is doing something they are unaware they need to do.
  • Increased stress levels – without clear expectations, you aren’t sure if you are meeting, exceeding, or failing in your role.
  • Lack of personal control – without clear expectations, you cannot make decisions and solve problems.
  • Performance suffers – without clear expectations, you end up with multiple people thinking something is someone else’s responsibility.

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A lack of clear expectations from your boss is the root cause of poor performance. Most managers often think they are clear, but employees feel differently. Employees need to know why something matters and what done looks like, which requires setting clear expectations.

Why do managers set unclear expectations or frequently change them?

Unclear expectations are usually a result of a lack of strategy or failure to understand the organization’s strategic plan. Without that clarity, you end up with a boss who frequently shifts direction or neglects to prioritize. As a result, the team is confused about what they should work on next.


Another cause of a boss who sets unclear expectations is a lack of understanding about facts on the floor. Having a poor understanding of the reality of the front line is like trying to put a square peg into a round hole.

Finally, they rely too much on their experience at another company without considering the people and events at the current company. In addition, a boss who is overly aggressive or optimistic is also prone to setting unclear or frequently changing expectations.

When you work for a boss who falls into these categories, you will feel pressure to comply. You might also feel intimidated to argue your point or voice concerns when your experience or data contradicts your boss’s direction. To sum it up, you will feel like they are setting you up to fail.


How to work with a boss who doesn’t set clear expectations

Having job uncertainty creates job insecurity. Unclear expectations are often the result of a loose work structure, no formal job description, a company in high-growth mode, or simply poor leadership. These tips will help you stay positive and show initiative to stay focused and remain productive under a boss who sets unclear or frequently changes expectations.

1) Bring solutions rather than problems

You and your boss have the same goal, to be successful. First, demonstrate that you are on the same page in explaining the situation’s realities. Then, describe the steps you would take to get the results they are looking to achieve. Finally, talk about what the next steps could be. Taking this approach with a boss who sets unclear expectations brings solutions rather than problems. As a result, they will be more open to hearing the details of what is possible.

2) Set your own goals

When your boss sets unclear expectations, create your own goals. First, get a copy of your job description and identify the primary objectives. From there, create goals that help you deliver on those objectives. Most job descriptions list the KPIs the role is responsible for, so this step should be easy to complete. After setting your goals, meet with your boss to get their buy-in and provide frequent updates on your progress.


3) Ask questions when your boss sets unclear expectations

Sometimes your boss sets unclear expectations because they expect you to figure it out. So you have to raise your hand and ask questions to gain clarity. Start the conversation by saying, “I have some questions that will help us be successful with this.”

4) Communicate frequently

Having a boss who sets unclear expectations is frustrating and can cause continuous rework. Therefore, frequently communicate by checking in and showing progress. Having frequent check-ins where you present your progress helps solidify your understanding and deliver what your boss actually wants. You won’t stray too far off base; as a bonus, you will foster a sense of partnership that will earn your trust.

5) Stay professional

When your boss sets unclear expectations, it is easy to coast by, play around, and hang out in the breakroom. Likewise, a lack of standards can cause complacency. Just because your boss hasn’t been clear on what done looks like doesn’t mean they won’t judge your work. Maintaining your professional presence and establishing healthy work habits are important. Eventually, your boss will change, and you don’t want to get caught off guard when you get a boss with high expectations.


You owe it to yourself to own your career. You are responsible for helping yourself, your team, and your boss is successful and deliver on the organization’s goals and mission. It is frustrating when working for a boss who sets unclear expectations or frequently changes them. But there are ways to achieve success despite your boss’s uncertainty.

Last updated on December 3rd, 2022 at 08:17 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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