Friday Reflections: How Leaders Nurture Excellence

As another week comes to a close, leaders everywhere need to pause and reflect. Fridays, with the promise of a weekend ahead, provide the perfect opportunity to take a moment and consider the path we’ve set for ourselves and our teams. One question should always be top of mind: “How do I nurture excellence in my team?”

Excellence is not just about skill or talent—it’s about a mindset, an attitude. It’s about seeking to do the best, be the best, and achieve the best. Yet, how does one inspire an entire team to pursue this?

1. Lead by Example

Remember, your team looks up to you. They observe how you handle challenges, how you communicate, and how you prioritize your tasks. If you exemplify excellence in your approach, you’re setting the standard for your team. Always strive for personal excellence, and your team will likely follow suit.


2. Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Encourage your team members to view challenges as opportunities for growth. Mistakes and setbacks are not failures but rather stepping stones to mastery. Create a culture where it’s safe to take risks, make mistakes, and then learn from them. Celebrate the lessons as much as the successes.

3. Provide Continuous Feedback

Excellence thrives on feedback. Regularly check in with your team members, offering constructive insights to help them grow. Celebrate their achievements, but also guide them through areas of improvement, always with a spirit of helping them achieve their best.

4. Invest in Their Development

Recognize that your team’s potential is your organization’s potential. Investing in training, workshops, and other development opportunities shows your team that you value their growth and are committed to helping them shine.


5. Set Clear Expectations

Clearly define what excellence looks like in terms of outcomes, processes, and behaviors. When everyone knows what’s expected, they can set their sights on that target. Ensure that goals are both challenging and achievable.

6. Create a Collaborative Environment

Foster a culture where team members support and uplift each other. Encourage collaborative projects and brainstorming sessions. When people feel part of a collective striving for a common goal, they’re more likely to push boundaries and seek excellence.

7. Recognize and Reward Excellence

When a team member goes above and beyond, make sure they know their efforts are seen and appreciated. This boosts their motivation and reinforces the value of excellence to the entire team.


Nurturing excellence is a journey, not a destination. As leaders, we provide the right resources, environment, and inspiration for our teams to thrive. As you step into the weekend, reflect on the strides you’ve made this week and the steps you’ll take in the coming days to continue fostering an environment where excellence is not just an aim but a way of life.

Remember, the pursuit of excellence begins with a single step, and every Friday reflection is an opportunity to set the course for the journey ahead. Embrace it.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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