6 Traits All Great Managers Have in Common

Organizations put a lot of effort into getting the right leaders in place. Likewise, organizations put a lot of thought into their required leadership traits. After all, great leaders create strategy and inspire people with a compelling vision. But the manager helps people translate that vision to their role, outlines accountability, and provides the tools and resources needed for success. Without great managers, strategy and vision aren’t executed on the frontline and ultimately fail. So why isn’t the same emphasis put on developing traits of great managers?

Managers matter when it comes to employees’ ability to be successful. Ultimately, the manager does the day-to-day work that moves the organization towards the leader’s vision and strategic direction. Managers are those who decide who is engaged and who isn’t. They determine who is ready for a promotion. Even more, managers are responsible for developing and guiding people just starting their careers. As a result, a manager’s effectiveness is pivotal to the success or failure of an organization in achieving its mission.

Six traits of great managers.

Management matters, and being a great one has never been more important. Employees won’t tolerate bad management for long before they decide to quit an organization. Employees must feel supported by effective managers who will help them navigate their professional journey. Here are the six traits all great managers possess.


1) Always start with why

Too many organizations use marketing speak when talking about their mission, vision, values, and goals. As a result, employees cannot see how their role enables the organization to achieve them. Unfortunately, when employees don’t know why their work matters, they won’t care as much about the work. A trait all great managers possess is they talk about the why with clear and consistent messaging. Starting with why is especially important when saying no to an employee. It is the best tool great managers use to engage employees.

2) Know and love their people

Great managers know their people as people. People have lives, interests, strengths, weaknesses, and worries that determine how they show up to work. Everyone has walked a different journey, so you have to motivate and coach them differently. Great managers consistently ask questions, listen, and learn who each employee is as a person.

  • How do they want to grow in their role?
  • What barriers do they need your help removing so they can be successful?
  • What are their life goals?
  • How can you be more helpful to them in reaching their goals?

Asking questions and getting to know your people helps you start caring for them. Great management is a relationship that is built upon love and caring for employees as people.


3) Set goals, check-in, and refine

Another trait all great managers possess is establishing short and long-term goals with their employees. Further, they help the employees connect those goals to the organization’s mission. Finally, great managers help employees set goals that push them out of their comfort zone to learn and grow new skills. Goal discussions should frequently happen throughout the year. Priorities will shift, and sometimes that requires refining their goals. Frequent check-ins provide opportunities to discuss progress, offer feedback, and pivot as necessary.

4) Clearly communicate expectations

Misaligned expectations are the downfall of any relationship, personal or professional. Great managers know it is their job to make sure employees know what they expect. Part of providing what employees need is providing them with information. Clearly communicating expectations so employees have a clear picture of what success looks like is another trait all great managers possess.

5) Hold people accountable

There is no motivation when there is no consequence for poor performance and no reward for good performance. As a result, great managers hold people accountable for their set goals and the attainment of expectations. In addition, they hold people accountable for acting within the organization’s values. Even more, they apply accountability fairly across their team. Having the courage to hold employees accountable is a trait all great managers possess.


6) Remain consistent in applying these traits of great managers

The final trait all great managers possess is they consistently apply these principles to everyone on their team. They provide the same opportunity for everyone to be successful by giving them the why. Great managers learn who everyone is as a person, set goals, and frequently check in. Above all, they clearly communicate expectations and hold everyone accountable equally. Consistency demonstrating these traits determines the level of greatness a manager, and their team can achieve.

Great managers have always mattered. We are living in an era of consistent change, uncertainty, and chaos. Great managers help employees feel safe, grounded, connected, and cared for so they can be successful, learn, and grow. Great managers are people-focused.

Employees no longer tolerate bad managers. Be the manager people need and deserve by demonstrating these six traits of great managers.


Last updated on August 27th, 2022 at 07:23 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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