5 Leadership Qualities We Need From Leaders in 2021

As we begin our journey into 2021, there is hope that things will improve from 2020. I am sure they will but not as quickly as we would like. The world is still dealing with the pandemic. The economy is still fragile, and unemployment continues to run high. Employees will continue to feel stress with managing home and work. Additionally, they will continue to carry an extra workload as a result of layoffs. As a result, these are the five leadership qualities we need from our leaders in 2021.

A Role Model

As a leader, the best way to earn trust, establish credibility, and gain respect is to set the right examples. Being a role model is a leadership quality we need in 2021. Leaders need to demonstrate the behaviors they expect from their team. The standards they set for themselves need to be equal to the expectations they place on others. Leaders need to align their words and their actions at all times. Above all, they need to be consistent and treat everyone fairly.

A Good Person

Integrity is a core leadership quality that every leader needs to possess. No matter how challenging a situation is, a good leader inspires with their principles without compromising. They don’t make false promises or makeup information when they don’t have the answers. Additionally, delivering on promises made to the team will be a critical leadership trait in 2021.


A Servant Leader

In 2021, employees will have far more respect for leaders who participate instead of those who tell people what to do. For that reason, being a servant leader is a leadership quality we need. Employees need leaders who will work alongside them and roll up their sleeves to help out. At the same time, leaders will delegate tasks while also contributing to essential tasks themselves. They will do this effectively because they know who has the necessary skills and expertise to complete those tasks.

A Good Observer

Every day presents an opportunity for leaders to make connections, create opportunities, and encourage knowledge sharing. In 2021, being a good observer is a leadership quality we need in our leaders. To be a good observer, leaders will need to intentionally take a step back to see, hear, and feel what is happening. Being a good observer allows them to have a keen understanding of what is happening in their organization or their team. Leaders who are good observers quickly notice when someone is being left out or not fitting in and find ways to encourage inclusion. Additionally, they will have a deep understanding of those they lead.

A Humble Person

In 2021 leaders are expected to keep their egos in check, so humility is a leadership trait we need from our leaders. They will recognize their way isn’t the only way. As a result, leaders will be able to step back into a supportive role by guiding and encouraging employees to be creative when executing tasks or projects. Humble leaders understand that leadership is all about working for the greater good. They lead to transform employees rather than dominate. Humble leaders are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and always strive to learn and contribute more.


Last updated on April 15th, 2021 at 07:46 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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