10 Habits That Sabotage Your Likeability at Work

We all want to be liked at work, but it’s hard when we don’t realize the habits that can sabotage our likeability. Likeability is vital in every relationship, from family to friends and colleagues. Here are ten unsexy habits that could diminish your likeability at work without realizing it.

1. Interrupting:

It’s disrespectful to interrupt someone while they’re speaking. Not only does it indicate that you think your thoughts are more important than theirs, but it gives off the impression that you don’t care about what they have to say or value their opinion. Interrupting people sabotages your likeability. Instead, let people finish their thought before jumping in with yours, and always practice active listening.

2. Poor Hygiene:

No one wants to spend time with someone who has bad hygiene. From body odor to stained clothing and unwashed hair, poor hygiene is a surefire way to diminish your likeability at work quickly. So ensure you maintain proper hygiene by showering regularly, brushing your teeth twice daily, and wearing clean clothes daily.


3. Being Late:

Constantly being late makes people feel disrespected and undervalued – two feelings no one likes having about themselves! Showing up late to meetings or delivering your tasks sabotages your likeability at work. So instead, show respect for other people’s time by arriving on time or letting them know when you’re running behind schedule so they don’t have to wait around for you unnecessarily.

4. Lacking Confidence:

Lack of confidence can make others feel uncomfortable around you as they may not know how to interact with someone who doesn’t believe in themselves or their ideas. Even if you don’t feel confident, project an air of self-assuredness to make those around you more comfortable and boost your likeability at the same time!

5. Negativity:

There’s nothing worse than spending time around someone constantly negative and pessimistic – it drains energy and makes everyone involved feel worse afterward! Having a negative attitude sabotages your likeability at work. Focus on the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives whenever possible – your relationships will thank you for it!


6. Being Judgmental:

Everyone has opinions, but being judgmental won’t get anyone anywhere except disliked quickly! People appreciate honesty, but there’s a big difference between expressing an opinion and judging another person’s beliefs or choices. Respect other people’s decisions even if they aren’t the same as yours.

7. Lack of Empathy:

It’s hard for anyone to connect with someone who can’t put themselves into another person’s shoes. A great way to increase your likeability is showing empathy, understanding, acceptance, and kindness toward others. When interacting with others, take a few moments before responding so that you can fully understand how they must be feeling to show genuine empathy towards them.

8. Being Overly Aggressive

People don’t like being pushed around. No one appreciates it when someone takes charge without considering how their actions may affect those around them negatively. Try taking a step back before making decisions so that everyone involved feels respected and heard during the process. This increases your likeability at work!


9. Taking Credit For Others Work

Taking credit for other people’s hard work can quickly diminish your likeability among your peers since it implies selfishness or dishonesty on your part – two qualities that nobody wants in a friend or colleague! Instead, make sure you recognize the contributions of everyone involved to maintain strong relationships with those around you!

10. Not showing appreciation

Showing gratitude towards those who have helped you along the way is essential for maintaining good relationships. When someone goes out of their way for you, thank them properly! This small gesture goes a long way in improving how others perceive you and increases your likeability at work!

The good news is that most of these habits are easy enough to fix once we become aware of them. However, awareness is key, so pay attention next time you meet up with friends or family so that these unsexy habits don’t sabotage any chance at increasing your likeability! With a little effort, soon enough, people will start seeking out your company because they genuinely enjoy spending time with you – now THAT is something valuable indeed!


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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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