Help Me Fix My Boss – My Boss Doesn’t Show Appreciation for My Work

Most of us have had a bad boss at some point in our lives. It’s so frustrating when your leader just isn’t there for you. Even worse, having a boss who doesn’t seem to care about the work you deliver or the effort you bring daily. If your boss doesn’t show appreciation for your work and effort, you aren’t alone. Unfortunately, in the world of recognition, it seems that many people are not receiving what they deserve from their bosses. This blog post will discuss the effect on bosses who don’t show appreciation, what healthy recognition looks like, why it’s crucial, and how you can self-promote to get your boss to notice your hard work and effort.

How recognition affects the work environment

When bosses don’t show appreciation, employees can feel demotivated. They may stop delivering their best work, and that can create a sense of frustration for everyone. When managers don’t show appreciation, employees stop caring about the company as much as they once did. Bosses who don’t recognize the efforts of their employees have higher attrition rates. Additionally, employees are looking for recognition beyond a “thank you.” Here are the areas impacted by a boss who doesn’t show recognition to their employees:

  • Organizational culture – employees are the heartbeat of the company culture. Providing appreciation to employees impacts their level of happiness.
  • Employee retention – without recognition, employees don’t feel connected to their jobs and will leave due to not feeling appreciated.
  • Employee advocacy – when bosses don’t show appreciation for their employees, they won’t promote the company. As a result, it impacts their brand as an employer making recruitment efforts more difficult.
  • Employee productivity – when employees don’t feel appreciated by their boss, they become less engaged and won’t work as hard.

What recognition looks like in a workplace

There are many ways your boss can demonstrate appreciation for the value you bring. However, recognition doesn’t always mean receiving something tangible. Additionally, it is hard for your boss to recognize you if they don’t see you every day. So find ways to make sure you get noticed and point out your accomplishments so your boss is aware of them. Here are some methods great bosses use to show appreciation to their employees:

  • Office perks – periodically bringing in pastries, healthy snacks, special coffee, office games, pizza parties, pot lucks, etc.
  • Expressing gratitude directly – during one-to-ones, in team meetings, at all-hands meetings, etc.
  • Thank you cards – handwritten notes or thank you cards after completing a big project.
  • Leave early Fridays – your boss recognizes the extra hours you’ve put in by telling you to start the weekend early.
  • Shoutout on the company intranet – a simple shoutout on the company intranet is another less obvious way bosses show recognition

Why recognition is important for employees

There are far-reaching implications when your boss doesn’t show appreciation for your work. First, recognition is the foundation for creating a culture of excellence, and when your boss recognizes you, you feel empowered. Additionally, it strengthens your relationship and helps you feel achievement when you reach your goal.

Second, recognition measurably and positively impacts employee engagement. The more you feel your work is valued, the more engaged in your work you become.

Third, recognition puts the power of gratitude to work, aligning employees and culture to a shared purpose. Appreciation and recognition for work well done, reinforces the values of the organization.


Next, strong organizational trust is a key indicator of profitability, and bosses who recognize their employees nurture trust.

Finally, employee recognition provides data to deliver deep insights into your culture and quickly spot your cultural energizers and top performers. Or, conversely, detractors.

How do you tell your boss about your accomplishments without sounding like a narcissist?

When your boss doesn’t show recognition or appreciation for your hard work and effort, it could be they are simply unaware. Therefore, you need to do some self-promotion. Here is how to self-promote yourself, so your boss will know how amazing you are.


Keep a record of your accomplishments to share with your boss

If your boss doesn’t show you appreciation, the first step is to keep a log of your achievements. Most bosses I know crave good news for two reasons. First, more often than not, they are only brought bad news or problems to solve. Second, they want to take the good news to their boss so they can look good.

So keep a log of all the great things you’ve done. That way, you won’t forget what good news to share. Additionally, your log of accomplishments will be handy come review time.

Recognize your peers to your boss who doesn’t show appreciation

Reognition is recipricole. If you have a boss who doesn’t show appreciation for your effort, encourage them by recognizing your peers. Doing so helps you build trust with your co-workers. Additionally, they may show appreciation for you in their one-to-one with the boss. Showing appreciation to your teammates is a sign of being a team player. Even more, show your boss some appreciation and they will likely return the favor.


Get others to show your boss their appreciation for your work

When your boss doesn’t show you appreciation, get others to tell your boss how amazing you are. For example, if a client compliments you for a job well done, ask them to send a note to your boss. Has a co-worker in another department praised you? Ask them to forward that on to your boss. Your manager may not interact with the same people you do, so connecting them is up to you.

Quantify your accomplishments to get your boss to show appreciation

Managers like metrics, so when your boss isn’t showing appreciation for your work, bring them hard numbers and facts. Pointing out that you exceed at something is more impactful with a percentage attached. Quantifying the improvement of, or decrease to, when self-promoting is more compelling and has a greater chance of getting your boss’s attention.

When your boss shows appreciation, it creates trust and instills confidence in them. In addition, you will be more open to convey your thoughts and ideas. As a result, when your boss shows you appreciation, it improves your overall professional relationship. Being recognized by your manager is the main driver for fostering a good relationship than by any other means.


If you are working for a boss who doesn’t appreciate your work or tireless effort, these tips will help you get the recognition you deserve. When was the last time your boss showed appreciation? Share your story in the comments below.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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