The 10 Most Read Articles of for 2020

#1. Satya Nadella Proves the Value of Softer Leadership

2020 created a desire for softer leadership, so it wasn’t a surprise this was the most read article on When Satya Nadella took over as Microsoft’s CEO, his leadership style took hold, and its core culture improved. Employee engagement, happiness, productivity, and thus business improved. Shareholders certainly seem to approve based on the improvement of their stock price since he took over.

#2. 10 Signs You Have a Toxic Boss [Updated 2020]

Toxic bosses are running out of places to hide. 2020 put toxic bosses and toxic cultures front and center in the media. We all know them and few love them. The toxic boss who constantly berates other people within the organization. The tyrant boss that creates more division than harmony. The manager who condescends and never listens to their people. These are toxic bosses who are emotionally abusive and here are 10 signs you work for one.

#3. How to Get Rid of a Bad Boss – Easy to Follow Guidelines

Bad bosses are out there. Sometimes they are new and inexperienced, and other times they think they have to be jerks to be successful. It is also important to note that there is something to be learned from a bad boss. How NOT to act. Below are some tactics that have proven to be successful in getting rid of a toxic boss.


#4. How to Demonstrate Trustworthiness at Work

Trustworthiness is a professional competency. When trust is equal to engagement, you get high performance. Trustworthiness is being honest, dependable, and reliable to get things done. But how do you demonstrate trustworthiness at work? Here are seven ways to help you build trust.

#5. Narcissistic Boss? Signs, Complaints, and How to Deal

Knowing the signs of a narcissistic boss can help you strategize ways to cope with one. Don’t suffer the needless abuse of a narcissistic manager longer than you have to. While some managers will show these signs from time to time, a pathological narcissist perpetually operates in several of the traits in this article.

#6. 10 Questions the Most Successful People Ask Their Boss

The most successful people understand asking their boss the right questions is part of the formula for success. Having a solid rapport with your boss makes work more enjoyable. Being clear on their expectations helps make your quality of work-life better. Most people would agree that their boss was the most stressful part of their job. Mitigate boss-caused stress by asking their boss these ten questions.


#7. The Importance of Body Language – Coaching for Improvement Part Twoimprovement Part Two

Body language deeply impacts how we communicate, and it quite accurately reflects what is happening on the inside. Body language isn’t just important in coaching. it is also important in every person-to-person interaction you have. It can indicate agreement with what is being said or heard. It can just as easily show disagreement. Become mindful by learning the language of the body to enable quality coaching.

#8. The Good and Bad of Workplace Gossip

There are three types of gossip, good, bad, and bad that turns good. You can’t prevent workplace gossip. Everyone does it, and have since the beginning of time. Know the different types of gossip and focus on good workplace gossip. Spreading good gossip will improve your mood and relationships. Spreading good gossip is just as contagious as spreading the bad.

#9. 3 Ways a Leader’s Attitude Impacts the Team

Everyone struggles with keeping their attitude positive, even people in leadership roles. The pressure of leadership, personal issues, and life, in general, will impact your mood, energy, and attitude. And, attitude matters more than you realize. When left unchecked, your attitude can damage your team. Here are three ways a leader’s attitude impacts the team.


#10. 5 Ways to Excel as a People Leader

How do people leaders excel at motivating their team to do their best work? What are they doing that keeps their group engaged? These practices will help avoid the cost of poor leadership. These are five things people leaders do every day that help them excel.

Last updated on April 15th, 2021 at 07:46 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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