10 Success Factors for New Managers

You finally received that promotion you had been working so hard for. You want to hit the ground running as a newly promoted manager. Surprisingly, management positions often come with very little guidance. Follow these 10 success factors to ensure your success as a new manager.

Stopping gossip before it poisons your environment. Gossip will happen and can’t be eliminated altogether. Gossip that is evil and poisonous and that only serves to tear others down cannot be tolerated.

Coaching, coaching, coaching is the only way you can truly grow your employees into the superstars they are meant to be. Coaching is the tool that you can use to refine and polish your employees.


Providing timely and actionable feedback don’t just tell someone they did a good job, tell them why. Don’t wait weeks after the event to provide feedback do it quickly.

Helping your staff achieve greatness because you are there to make them better. Help them set goals and a plan to reach them. Have regular goal review meetings to discuss their progress.

Monitoring performance and reviewing it with your employees because what gets measured gets improved. If you aren’t measuring it you don’t know where to improve and if you aren’t reporting it they do not know what to work on or that they are making progress.


Learning new skills to stay relevant because you have to keep your knowledge up to date. You have to adopt a continuous learning mindset to keep growing. Stay current in your market, management, and leadership tactics.

Giving back what you have learned by bringing fresh ideas back to the office and giving it to others by teaching them. Even something as small as an article that you have read can make an impact.

Socializing with others in your company though some will call it politics I call it being friendly. If you view it as politics you will not make the effort. Get out of your comfort zone and explore other departments, meet new people, and learn something new.


Talk up those who work for you. Don’t walk around venting all the bad things that people are doing vent the good things too (and more than you do the bad). Talk up your employees to other managers and executives. Get their name out there in a positive light.

Have fun by not taking work or yourself too seriously. Have fun and make sure your employees are having fun too.

Last updated on September 14th, 2020 at 06:12 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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