Managing a Remote Workforce: How to Upskill Your Managers

A remote work environment is becoming an increasingly popular option for businesses. Remote work has many benefits, such as increased productivity and engagement and lower costs. But, with employees located all over the globe, it can be challenging to manage productivity and engagement. However, a remote work environment can thrive if your managers have the necessary skills to manage a remote team effectively. This blog post will discuss the areas you need to upskill your managers when managing a remote workforce.

A remote work environment is one in which employees are not physically present in the office. This type of work arrangement is becoming more popular for various reasons. First, the COVID pandemic sent many office workers home to avoid disruptions to business. Secondly, remote work can increase productivity and engagement as employees have more flexibility to work when and where they are most productive. Finally, remote work can be more cost effective for businesses as it eliminates the need for office space and related costs.

What are the benefits of a remote workforce?

There are numerous benefits to remote work environments for both organizations and employees. Some of the key benefits include:


Benefits of remote work for an organization:

  1. Reduced Costs – Organizations can save on office space, equipment, and travel expenses when employees work remotely.
  2. Increased Productivity – Remote employees often have fewer distractions and can thus be more productive than in traditional office environments.
  3. Greater Engagement – remote work can help to keep employees engaged and motivated, as they are less likely to feel isolated or disconnected from the company.

Benefits of remote work for employees:

Working remote has many benefits for employees. For starters, they have more flexibility with when and where they work. They can take advantage of working in their most productive environment, whether at home, in a coffee shop, or on the go. Additionally, remote work can lead to increased productivity and engagement as employees can manage their own time and workflow. And finally, remote work can save employees money as they don’t need to commute or spend money on office space.

What are the challenges of managing a remote workforce?

Maximizing productivity and engagement, maintaining communication, and overseeing employee progress are challenges of managing a remote team. All of these challenges can be exacerbated by time zone differences, which is why managers must have a clear remote work strategy.

Another remote work challenge is the lack of face-to-face interaction. This can make it difficult for managers to build relationships with remote employees and understand what motivates them. Additionally, without regular check-ins, it can be easy for employees to become disengaged from their work.


Another common remote work challenge is managing productivity. When employees are not working in a traditional office setting, tracking their progress and ensuring they meet deadlines can be challenging. This is why managers need to set clear expectations and establish a system for tracking employee progress.

Finally, managing communication is a key challenge when overseeing a remote workforce. For example, it can be difficult to coordinate conference calls and team meetings with employees in different time zones and locations. In addition, email and instant messaging are often the primary means of communication in a remote work environment, leading to miscommunication or misunderstandings.

To overcome these challenges, managers need to develop new skills or refine existing ones.


How do you upskill your managers for a remote work environment?

When managing a remote workforce, managers need to be equipped with specific skills to succeed. Some of the critical skills that managers need to develop or improve include:

Communication in a remote work environment is critical.

Managers must communicate effectively with their team members, both verbally and nonverbally. They need to articulate goals and objectives and ensure everyone is on the same page. Additionally, effective communication is essential for managing productivity and engagement in a remote workforce.

Time management for managing a remote team:

When managing a remote workforce, it’s essential to be aware of different time zones and work schedules. This will help managers avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure that deadlines are met. Additionally, time management skills are essential for tracking employee progress and productivity.


Problem-solving in a remote work environment:

Problems can arise quickly, and often, someone is not always available to help resolve them. Managers need to be able to effectively solve problems on their own, as well as delegate solutions when necessary.

Flexibility when managing a remote workforce:

One of the most critical skills for managing a remote workforce is flexibility. There will inevitably be schedule changes or unexpected issues for employees in different locations and time zones. Therefore, managers must be flexible and adaptable when managing a remote team.

Organizational skills in a remote work environment:

Managers must be organized and have a clear plan for managing their team’s time and resources. They must stay on top of deadlines and ensure everyone is productive and working towards the same goal.


Leadership in a remote work environment:

Managers often lead a team of employees across the country or even the globe. They must effectively motivate and effectively lead their team, regardless of distance. Additionally, good leadership skills are essential for creating a positive work culture in a remote environment.

By upskilling your managers in these critical areas, you can ensure that they can manage a remote workforce effectively. Additionally, by investing in the development of your managers, you can create a more positive and productive work environment for everyone.

Tips for maintaining productivity and engagement in a remote workforce

Managing a remote workforce can be challenging, but it can be a successful endeavor with the right tools and tips. Here are a few tips for maintaining productivity and engagement in a remote workforce:

  1. Establish clear expectations and goals. Remote workers need clarity just as much as on-site workers do. Make sure all expectations and goals are laid out in writing and be sure to communicate any changes or updates as they happen.
  2. Use communication tools effectively. Various communication tools are available to remote managers, such as video conferencing, chat programs, and email. Choose the ones that work best for your team and make sure everyone is using them effectively.
  3. Encourage team building. Remote workers can often feel isolated, so it’s important to encourage online and offline team-building activities. Team bonding activities help remote workers feel connected to their team and improve productivity and engagement.
  4. Provide feedback often. Remote workers need feedback just as much as on-site workers do, if not more so, since they can’t always see what’s happening. So be sure to provide positive and negative feedback, and make yourself available for questions and feedback.
  5. Stay organized. Remote workers need structure like on-site workers, so maintain a routine and keep all team members informed of changes. This will help remote workers stay productive and engaged.

Managing a remote workforce can be challenging, but it can be a successful endeavor with the right tools and tips in place. By upskilling your managers in critical areas, you can ensure that they are equipped to effectively manage a remote workforce. Additionally, by investing in the development of your managers, you can create a more positive and productive work environment for everyone.

Last updated on August 27th, 2022 at 06:47 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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