Inspiring Leaders Master These 5 Actions

The best leaders are those with the ability to inspire people to reach great heights of performance and success. Inspiring leaders are like a magnetic force that pulls people towards something that stirs their heart, mind, or spirit.

Inspiration is different from motivation, yet some leaders use the two interchangeably. Inspiration pulls you towards something, whereas, motivation pushes you towards something. They each have a time and place, but the best leaders inspire more than they motivate.

An inspiring leader doesn’t need external motivation to keep their team moving forward because purpose and meaning are what propels their performance and success. People filled with inspiration want to hold on to that feeling as long as possible. And, this feeling is how the best leaders retain top talent. A great leader sparks purpose and meaning, and it starts with the following actions.


1. Inspiring Leaders Establish a Clear Vision

Great leaders articulate a clear vision of the future so vividly that their team can see, hear and smell it. Using vivid story-telling makes the vision tangible and sparks purpose and meaning.

2. Acknowledgment and Inclusion

Great leaders understand that people want to feel safe, acknowledged and a sense of belonging. When given these things, they will go above and beyond. Greetings, public and private recognition and spending meaningful time with them creates feelings of acknowledgment and inclusion.

3. Inspiring Leaders are Keen Listeners

People want to feel heard, know their opinions are taken into consideration, and feel valued and supported. Great leaders listen because it provides all of these. We are long past the time of command and control where leaders dictated orders down. Listen to your team; give them your time without distractions. Listening stirs the heart, mind, and spirit.


4. Communication is Consistent

Great leaders know when and what to communicate because it will crystallize the purpose and provide meaning that inspires the team to move forward. Poor communication creates gossip and inconsistent results which slows the team down.

5. Inspiring Leaders are Consistent in Their Actions

Great leaders know that people are always watching and listening. The team will model what they see in their leaders. As a result, great leaders serve with consistency and level-headedness. To be an inspiring leader people have to believe in you genuinely and therefore, every action matters.

The great leaders are the ones who inspire us. They encourage us to act and be a better version of ourselves. Inspiring leaders pull us towards a future that doesn’t yet exist because their words and actions stir our mind, heart, and spirit. Master these five actions to become a leader who inspires greatness in those you lead.


Last updated on August 29th, 2020 at 07:03 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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