How to Get Better at Small Talk: Critical Skills for Career Growth

Small talk is one of the most underrated skills in the business world. It may seem like a waste of time, but small talk is critical to career growth. It helps you build trust, compatibility, and rapport within the organization. To get ahead in your career, you need to be good at small talk! This blog post will discuss why small talk is so important and how you can get better at it.

What is small talk, and why is it essential for career growth?

Small talk is a conversation about trivial matters. It’s often seen as a social lubricant that helps people feel more comfortable around each other. Small talk can be a valuable tool for building trust, compatibility, and rapport in the business world. It can also help you get to know your colleagues better and learn more about their interests and hobbies.

There are several reasons why small talk is so important for career growth. First of all, it helps you build relationships with your colleagues. When you take the time to get to know your colleagues personally, you create a more friendly and supportive work environment. Small talk is important because it makes it easier for people to work together and collaborate effectively.


Secondly, small talk can help you learn more about your colleagues which helps with career growth. By discussing common interests or discussing current events, you can better understand who your colleagues are as people. This can be helpful when making decisions or working on projects together.

Finally, small talk can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. When you’re able to discuss complex topics in a simplified way, it shows that you have a deep knowledge of the subject matter. Small talk can help you gain the respect of your colleagues and open up new opportunities for career growth.

The benefits of small talk for your career

There are many benefits of small talk; here are seven:

  1. Build deep relationships with your colleagues.
  2. Learn more about your colleagues and create understanding.
  3. Helps you establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  4. Makes you more approachable and friendly.
  5. Help you make new friends at work.
  6. Helps you stay up-to-date on current events.
  7. Helps you build trust, compatibility, and rapport.

How can you get better at small talk?

Small talk is an essential skill for career growth. It helps build trust, compatibility, and rapport within the organization. If you want to get better at small talk, here are a few tips:

  1. Start with small talk topics that you’re comfortable with. Don’t try to force yourself to talk about deep, personal subjects if you’re not comfortable with them. Instead, stick to safe, easy topics like the weather or current events.
  2. Be interested in your conversation partner. It shows when you’re genuinely interested in the person you’re talking to. Ask questions and listen attentively to their answers.
  3. Practice, practice, practice! The more you small talk, the better you’ll become at it. Try striking up conversations with people you don’t know well – colleagues, strangers at a party, etc.

Examples of small talk topics

Small talk is critical to building trust, compatibility, and rapport within any organization. By mastering small talk, you’ll grow your career. Here are some small talk examples:

  • Discussing the weather
  • Talking about current events
  • Sharing funny stories
  • Discussing hobbies and interests
  • Talking about travel experiences
  • Talking about a book you’ve recently read
  • Discussing a podcast you recently listened to
  • Food, restaurants, or cooking

Tips for making small talk more interesting

Small talk can seem like a boring necessity, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few tips for making small talk more interesting for career growth:

  • Asking open-ended questions that invite the other person to share their thoughts and feelings
  • Share interesting stories about your own life
  • Finding common ground with the other person, such as discussing shared interests or experiences
  • Stay upbeat, even when discussing controversial topics

20 Conversation Starters for Small Talk

Here are twenty conversation starters to help you engage in small talk. The best conversation starters focus on the other person by asking engaging questions about them.

  1. What is your boss focused on right now?
  2. What has been the most exciting project you’ve worked on?
  3. Tell me about your biggest priority right now?
  4. What do you like most about working in this business?
  5. What are you reading right now?
  6. How did you get into this business?
  7. What do you like least about working in this business?
  8. What would you be doing at this time on a typical day?
  9. Are you working on any side projects right now?
  10. What is the most overrated skill in your industry?
  11. What are your top three tips for someone considering a job in [instert industry]?
  12. Tell me about your most influential boss and what keeps them on your mind?
  13. What keeps you up at night?
  14. What’s your lowest priority right now?
  15. What can I/we do to help you achieve X?
  16. What’s your most important metric?
  17. What can I/we do to make you more successful?
  18. Would you advise your children to go into this field?
  19. When was the last time you did something for the first time? Are you happy you tried it?
  20. What are some common misconceptions about your role?

How to leverage small talk for career growth

Small talk can help you build trust, compatibility, and rapport within the organization. It is essential for career growth as it enables you to communicate with people from all levels of the organization. Here are a few tips on how to use small talk for career growth:

  1. Pay attention to small talk opportunities. Keep your ears open for small talk opportunities, and be ready to jump in when there’s a lull in the conversation.
  2. Use small talk to build relationships. Small talk is a great way to get to know people personally. By getting to know them better, you’ll be able to trust them more and collaborate with them more effectively.
  3. Use small talk to learn about the company culture. You can also use small talk to learn more about the company culture. This will help you adapt better and fit into the company culture.
  4. Use small talk to show interest in others. When you show interest in others, they’ll be more likely to return the favor and show interest in you too.
  5. Use small talk to ask for advice and insights. People love giving advice and sharing their insights. So ask for advice from your colleagues and see how they can help you grow your career.

Small talk is an essential skill for career growth. It helps build trust, compatibility, and rapport within the organization. If you want to get better at small talk, these tips will help! The more you engage in small talk, the better you’ll become at it. Try striking up conversations with people you don’t know well – colleagues, strangers at a party, etc.


By following these simple tips, you will improve your small talk skill!

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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