Friday Reflections: Revitalizing Your Vision

It’s Friday! As the sun sets on another week, it’s an opportune moment for leaders to pause, reflect, and take a rejuvenating look at their vision. Leadership is a journey. And, like all explorers, leaders need a compass—a vision.

Why do leaders need a vision?

Direction and Purpose

A leader without a vision is like a ship without a compass. It may float, but it won’t necessarily sail in the intended direction. A vision provides purpose. It ensures that every action, decision, and strategy aligns with the bigger picture.

Motivation and Energy

A vision gives people a reason to wake up in the morning, a cause to rally behind. It fuels passion, enthusiasm, and motivation. When times get tough—and they will—the vision acts as the north star, guiding and inspiring the way forward.


Unified Teams

A clearly communicated vision unites teams because it removes ambiguity, providing everyone with a clear understanding of the organization’s purpose and their role within it. This unity fosters collaboration, synergy, and a cohesive workplace.

Why do leaders need to revitalize their vision?

Even the most vibrant visions can lose their luster with time. As the external environment changes, as teams evolve, and as businesses grow, it’s essential for leaders to continuously refresh their vision to maintain its relevance and potency.

Keep it Fresh

Just as a painter revisits his canvas, occasionally reworking his masterpiece, a leader must revisit and rework their vision. What made sense a year ago may need a fresh perspective today.


Boost Engagement

A revised vision re-energizes the workforce because it brings back the excitement of chasing after something big, something meaningful.

Enhance Alignment

An updated vision ensures that every team member, new or old, is aligned in their pursuits, maximizing collaborative efforts.

How do you revitalize your vision?

Visions, much like the leaders who cast them, aren’t static. They evolve, breathe, and adjust to the changing world. Here are steps to revitalize your vision so it remains compelling and relevant:


Re-assess and Reflect

  • Step 1: Dedicate time for introspection. For example, review the existing vision against the current market and organizational trends.
  • Step 2: List elements in your vision that have been achieved or may no longer be relevant.

Gather Diverse Feedback

  • Step 1: Organize feedback sessions across all levels of the organization. Understand what the team values and where they see the future.
  • Step 2: Use tools or surveys to gather anonymous feedback for an unbiased view of how the vision resonates with the team.

Re-craft and Re-align

  • Step 1: Based on feedback and introspection, refine the vision statement. It might be a minor tweak or a major overhaul.
  • Step 2: Once re-crafted, align your strategies and actions with the revised vision.

Effective Communication

  • Step 1: Lastly, roll out the refreshed vision. For example, consider town halls, videos, or interactive sessions.
  • Step 2: Reinforce the vision by embedding it in training programs, meetings, and workplace culture initiatives.

Revitalizing your vision isn’t just about keeping it updated; it’s about ensuring it continues to inspire, drive, and unify your team. As the weekend approaches, take the initiative: refresh, revitalize, and reinvigorate your vision, setting the stage for continued success and shared purpose.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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