Friday Reflections: Leadership Lessons to Ponder on This Friday

Another week has come to a close, offering leaders a golden opportunity to contemplate our roles and the ripple effects we create. Today’s reflection brings to light a crucial leadership challenge – the significance of upholding organizational values, driving excellence, and, most importantly, the courage to be honest with our teams.

The Ripple of Not Upholding Values

Imagine an organization whose pillars—its core values—are not being upheld. The consequences are multifaceted: team morale dips, trust deteriorates, and the organization’s cultural backbone ruptures.

For example, In XYZ Corp., Jane tends to bypass company values, choosing her own path. Her team, observing her behavior, starts following her lead. This disrupts the intra-team dynamics and spills over, causing disconnects between departments.


Mediocrity: A Silent Culture Killer

A team not challenged to deliver excellence often settles into complacency. A sense of status quo can creep in without the right expectations and guidance.

For example, Mark, a department head at ABC Ltd., frequently accepts below-par work. The resulting product, often inaccurate, forces other teams into damage control. The company’s reputation is hit, and Mark’s team gets pegged for underperformance.

Honesty: The Unsung Leadership Virtue

Being honest with employees can be tough. It requires courage, especially when the feedback might not be what the employee wants to hear. But it’s crucial. Honesty fosters respect and trust, paving the way for genuine improvement and growth.


For example, Sarah, a leader at DEF Enterprises, noticed a team member consistently missing the mark. Instead of brushing it under the carpet, she approached him, provided clear feedback, and devised an improvement plan. This not only bolstered the employee’s performance but also strengthened the bond of trust.

Steps to Uphold Values, Drive Excellence, and Be Courageously Honest

  1. Self-reflection: Regularly align yourself with organizational values. Are you exemplifying them consistently?
  2. Clear Communication: Ensure your team is not in the dark about organizational values and their expected standards.
  3. Be the Beacon: Embody the standards. When leaders are models of the values and expectations, teams are inspired to emulate them.
  4. Frequent Feedback: Engage in open dialogues. Applaud when they shine and guide when they falter.
  5. Equip Your Team: Ensure they have the tools, knowledge, and resources. This could mean training sessions, workshops, or mentorship opportunities.
  6. Accountability is Key: Celebrate achievements but also be fearless in addressing shortcomings.
  7. Understand the ‘Why’: Constantly link back to the reasons behind the values. When the team understands the rationale, adherence comes naturally.
  8. Promote Continuous Growth: Push your team towards self-improvement. This could be through courses, feedback sessions, or collaborative projects.
  9. Honest Conversations: Don’t shy away. When tough feedback is needed, approach it with empathy, clarity, and a genuine desire to help.

In wrapping up, leaders should remember that our day-to-day decisions shape the future landscape of our teams and organizations. Upholding values, striving for excellence, and honest communication are not just leadership strategies but the bedrock of a thriving organizational culture.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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