The Managers Playbook: How to Help Employees With Career Pathing

Career pathing is essential for managers to help employees develop and grow within the company. It involves creating a clear path that outlines the necessary steps for them to take to reach their career goals. By providing guidance and feedback, offering development opportunities, and setting realistic goals, you can empower employees with the resources they need to succeed. With this article, you will learn how to create effective career pathing plans to help your employees succeed professionally and personally.

What is career pathing, and why should managers focus on it?

Career pathing is a method managers use to help employees develop and achieve career goals. It involves creating a career roadmap outlining the necessary steps for employees to reach their career aspirations. This career map should be personalized, considering the employee’s individual goals and experience.

By providing career pathing, you can identify opportunities for career growth and development within the company. It also helps employees clarify their career goals and understand the steps they need to take to reach them. As a result, career pathing is an effective tool that fosters a positive work environment of career advancement and employee retention.


How can I create an effective career pathing plan for my employee?

Managers should take several steps when creating an effective career pathing plan for their employees.

1. Understand their desired career trajectory

Understanding an employee’s career trajectory is essential for career pathing. This involves listening to the employee, learning about their career objectives, and exploring any potential career growth they are interested in. The career path should allow the employee to build upon their current skillset. It should be tailored to the employee’s career goals while also meeting the organization’s needs.

2. Identify the employee’s current capacity and potential

The next step you should take when creating career pathing plans for your employees is to identify their current capacity and potential. This means assessing their skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience. You can do this through evaluating performance reviews, interviews, career goals discussion, and career assessments.


By understanding an employee’s current capacity and potential, you can better plan career development paths tailored to their needs. It also helps you identify gaps in an employee’s skill set that need to be addressed or any areas of expertise they need to expand. Identifying these elements will enable you to create career pathing plans with specific achievable objectives.

3. Set goals and expectations

After identifying an employee’s current capacity and potential, the next step is to set clear goals and expectations. The goals and expectations should address gaps and expand on strengths. This is important for career pathing plans as it gives employees a concrete roadmap to gain the necessary qualifications. Goals should use the SMART framework.

You should ensure that career goals are realistic and attainable. They should include incremental steps for the short term and larger career goals for the long term. Setting specific milestones allows employees to track their progress and motivates them to stay on task.


4. Offer feedback and support during each step of the journey

Offering feedback and support during their career path journey is essential for career pathing plans. You should provide employees with meaningful feedback throughout their career development process. Feedback helps ensure they stay on track and reach their career goals. Regular check-ins can help the employee and the manager understand where they stand, allowing them to adjust career paths when needed.

You should encourage honest communication during these check-ins and be open to discussing challenges or areas needing improvement. This allows you to give tailored advice on addressing any issues the employee may have. It also provides resources that might be beneficial in helping them reach their career objectives. Additionally, you should offer recognition and praise for a job well done when employees hit milestones or make significant progress toward their goals.

5. Advocate for the employee in the workplace

Advocating for employees is essential for successful career pathing. As a manager, it’s important to recognize and support the career aspirations of your team members. For example, advocating for career development opportunities they may not have considered. Advocating to get them assigned to a critical project or for additional responsibilities. Additionally, help them secure roles within the organization that will challenge them.


Actively look out for any career barriers or roadblocks the employee may face within the organization. For example, addressing policies that prevent career progression due to a lack of experience or required technical skills. Or if they have a negative reputation within the organization, help change the perception. By understanding these career blockers, you can advocate for solutions that can help further career advancement opportunities.

Work closely with HR or other leaders to identify open roles best suited for each employee’s career goals. As a result, you can recommend specific job openings or training programs to better equip employees with the knowledge and tools necessary to reach their goals.

Additionally, advocating for job rotations within the organization can provide employees with valuable insight into different departments. It helps them develop skills applicable across multiple areas of expertise – further aiding career growth opportunities within the same company.


6. Foster an environment of growth and development

Fostering an environment of growth and development is a core element of career pathing. It lies within the responsibility of managers to create this atmosphere. By encouraging employees to grow and develop while also giving them the autonomy to make decisions that affect their career paths, you can help ensure career growth for your team.

For starters, offer access to training programs or certifications related to their goals. Training programs include online courses, in-person workshops, seminars, or networking events. Identify opportunities that build on existing skill sets or develop new ones. Providing employee career development opportunities allows team members to update their professional knowledge and demonstrates the company’s commitment to investing in its people.

Finally, creating an inclusive workplace is another critical aspect of fostering an environment conducive to employee career growth. Employees need to feel connected to their job and with each other too. In addition, inclusive workplaces enable greater collaboration across disciplines and cultures within the organization.


Inclusion initiatives not only boost morale among staff but also helps facilitate discussion around career progression ideas within teams. In addition, inclusive workplaces boost motivation levels among individuals when pursuing career objectives within the same organization over time.

7. Provide mentorship on leadership skills

Providing mentorship on leadership skills is an essential part of career pathing. It helps team members develop the skills needed to take on managerial roles in the future.

Mentors should have experience in leadership positions within the company to ensure that mentoring is successful. Their expertise allows them to provide valuable insight into decision-making processes, career goal-setting strategies, and how to navigate the corporate culture. Mentoring also allows employees to ask questions about their career paths and receive honest feedback from someone with experience in that role.


Finally, mentors must stay up-to-date with trends in their field of expertise. Attending conferences or seminars related to specific topics so that knowledge gained can be shared with mentees accordingly. As a result, both parties can benefit from these interactions over time.

Final Tips to Help Managers Create a Successful Career Pathing Plan for Employees

Successfully creating career pathing plans for employees involves offering development opportunities, providing guidance and feedback, and setting realistic goals. Start by talking to your employees about their career aspirations and the company’s goals. This should be followed up with an assessment of the employee’s current skillset and career interests. Based on this information, identify development opportunities to help employees reach their career goals while driving greater productivity for the business.

You should also provide timely feedback and guidance to employees on their performance. This will help foster trust and create an environment where employees can depend on you for career growth.


Additionally, career pathing helps keep talented individuals in the organization. It shows them they can advance in the company if they do the work — instead of jumping ship elsewhere.

Remember that career pathing plans should be tailored to each employee’s career goals and experience level. In addition, they need to be realistic about what employees can achieve in terms of time frames and expected results.

Furthermore, you should evaluate progress regularly and make adjustments based on feedback received from your employees. This will ensure that career pathing plans remain effective over time while also meeting the changing needs of both employer and employee.


Last updated on June 3rd, 2023 at 08:09 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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