8 Key Habits of Highly Effective Leaders

In business, one consistent trait across successful organizations is effective leadership. Leaders, be it early-stage professionals finding their footing, mid-stage leaders juggling the responsibilities of team management, or late-stage leaders carrying the weight of large-scale decisions, are the ones who drive their teams and organizations toward success.

The significance of effective leadership is universal. Early-stage leaders often navigate their initial leadership experiences, learning how to inspire and guide their team members while managing the complexities of their role. Having acquired some experience, mid-stage leaders may be balancing the demands of larger teams or multiple projects, necessitating a deep understanding of strategic leadership and team dynamics. Late-stage leaders, who likely helm entire departments or organizations, are expected to have honed their leadership strategies over time, embodying wisdom and demonstrating vision to drive their organizations forward.

But what does it take to become an effective leader at any stage? What are the habits that define their success and set them apart? This blog will delve into the eight key habits of highly effective leaders, providing practical insights for professionals across all stages of their leadership journey. Whether you’re an early career professional aspiring to lead, a mid-career leader looking to refine your skills, or a seasoned leader exploring fresh perspectives, these habits will serve as invaluable guideposts to enhance your leadership style and impact.


Habit 1: Constant Learner

Great leaders, regardless of the stage they are at in their careers, are perpetual students. They recognize that continuous learning is vital in an ever-evolving business landscape to remain relevant, make informed decisions, and innovate. This habit transcends the conventional confines of classroom-based learning and extends to learning from experiences, failures, successes, and from the people around them.

Effective leaders are not just content with their personal growth; they strive to instill a learning culture within their teams. They inspire their team members to adopt an attitude of continuous learning by encouraging curiosity, promoting openness to new ideas, and fostering an environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn rather than failures to be penalized.

Here are some ways leaders can embody this habit:


Pursue Personal Development:

Engage in professional courses, read books, listen to podcasts, or attend conferences and seminars in your field. This not only broadens your knowledge but also equips you with fresh perspectives.

Learn from Experiences:

Understand that every experience—good or bad—provides a learning opportunity. Reflect on these experiences, gather insights, and use this understanding to make future decisions.

Seek Mentorship:

Regardless of your career stage, identifying a mentor can provide valuable insights from their experiences and offer a different perspective that can significantly contribute to your learning.


How to inspire your team to continue the learning process:

Lead by Example:

Show your team that you value learning by sharing your experiences and insights. When your team sees you actively engaged in learning, they’re more likely to emulate it.

Promote a Culture of Learning:

Encourage team members to upskill and cross-skill by providing access to learning resources, offering time for self-directed learning, or rewarding continuous learning efforts.


Encourage Experimentation:

Allow your team the freedom to take calculated risks and experiment with new ideas. This not only fosters innovation but also encourages learning from successes and failures.

Facilitate Knowledge Sharing:

Encourage team members to share their knowledge and experiences with others. This could be through team meetings, presentations, or an internal knowledge-sharing platform.

Fostering a continuous learning culture can drive innovation, enhance team competence, and contribute significantly to achieving the organization’s goals. In the long run, the investment in learning will pay off in the form of more engaged, competent, and efficient teams.


Habit 2: Effective Communication

Effective communication is at the core of any successful leader’s toolkit. Leaders must convey their vision, align team goals, provide feedback, and foster a positive work environment. Furthermore, effective communication isn’t just about speaking; it’s equally about listening with empathy and understanding.

Here are some strategies to improve communication skills, complete with examples:

Active Listening:

Active listening involves truly focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, reflecting on it, and responding. It helps in building stronger relationships and fostering trust.


For example: When a team member shares an idea or a concern, refrain from interrupting. Listen attentively, provide thoughtful feedback or ask probing questions to show your engagement.

Clarity and Conciseness:

Leaders need to be able to convey their thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely to avoid miscommunication or confusion.

For example: When assigning a task, be specific about the deliverables, deadlines, and expectations. Provide as much detail as necessary but avoid superfluous information.


Non-Verbal Communication:

Non-verbal cues, including body language, gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice, often communicate more than words.

For example: When conducting a meeting, maintain eye contact to show your engagement. Use an open body posture to make others feel comfortable and encouraged to share.

Emotional Intelligence:

This is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as effectively respond to the emotions of others.


For example: If a team member seems stressed or anxious about a project, acknowledge their feelings, show empathy, discuss possible solutions, or provide support.

Feedback Mechanism:

Offering constructive feedback helps team members grow while welcoming feedback shows your willingness to learn and improve.

For example: Implement regular feedback sessions where you share constructive criticism and positive feedback with team members, and allow them to do the same.


Open Door Policy:

This policy encourages transparency and assures team members that they can communicate any issues or ideas freely.

For example: Make it known to your team that you are always available for discussions, whether it’s related to work, innovative ideas, or any challenges they are facing.

Use of Technology:

Leverage different communication tools and platforms to stay connected, especially when managing remote teams.


For example: Use platforms like Slack for regular updates, Zoom for virtual meetings, and tools like Google Docs for collaborative work.

By embodying these communication strategies, leaders can ensure that everyone on the team feels heard, understood, and valued, ultimately driving a positive work culture and enhancing team productivity.

Habit 3: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI), a cornerstone of effective leadership, is the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can easily navigate complex social interactions, diffuse conflict, motivate their teams, and foster a positive working environment.


Developing emotional intelligence involves four key components:


This is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and their impact on others. Self-aware leaders are in tune with their emotional state and are better equipped to handle stress, maintain composure, and make clear decisions.

How to Evaluate: Reflect on your emotional reactions to different situations. Do you recognize your emotional triggers? Can you manage your reactions effectively? A good practice is to keep a journal of emotional experiences and your responses to them.



This involves controlling your emotions, adapting to changing circumstances, and directing your behavior positively. Leaders who excel in self-management can navigate challenges calmly and maintain a positive outlook.

How to Evaluate: Consider how well you manage stress, stay calm under pressure, and maintain a positive attitude. Can you adjust your approach when faced with changes or unexpected obstacles?

Social Awareness:

This refers to understanding others’ emotions, needs, and concerns. It also involves understanding social networks and power dynamics within a group or organization.


How to Evaluate: Reflect on how well you can perceive the moods and dynamics of a group, empathize with others, and understand the social intricacies of your workplace. Are you attuned to how others in your team are feeling?

Relationship Management:

This involves inspiring and influencing others, managing conflicts, fostering collaborative relationships, and helping others develop their skills.

How to Evaluate: Reflect on your interpersonal relationships. Can you effectively resolve conflicts? Do you inspire and influence others positively? Can you guide others towards their personal and professional growth?


Several self-assessment tools and surveys are available to evaluate emotional intelligence more formally, such as the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal and the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory.

Remember that emotional intelligence is not static; it can be improved with conscious effort and practice. Regularly checking in with your emotional intelligence can help you identify areas of strength and areas that could use further development.

Emotionally intelligent leaders contribute to a more harmonious and productive work environment and foster emotional intelligence in their teams, thus creating a ripple effect that can significantly enhance overall team performance.


Habit 4: Goal Setting and Accountability

Effective leaders understand the importance of setting clear, actionable goals and holding themselves and their team accountable to achieve them. Goals provide a roadmap for success, focus the team’s efforts, and measure progress.

Here’s how leaders can implement goal-setting and accountability:

Setting SMART Goals:

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. They provide a clear direction and make it easier for team members to understand exactly what is expected of them.


For example: Instead of setting a vague goal like “Increase sales,” a SMART goal would be “Increase sales of Product X by 20% over the next quarter.”


Effective delegation involves assigning the right tasks to the right people based on their skills, potential, and the learning opportunities the task presents.

For example: If a team member excels in customer interaction, assign them the responsibility of handling key client accounts.


Consistent Communication:

Regular check-ins and updates are critical to staying on track with goals and making necessary adjustments along the way.

For example: Hold weekly team meetings to discuss progress, address any challenges, and celebrate small wins.


Leaders should empower their team members to take ownership of their goals, providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed.


For example: Provide team members with the necessary training, software, or tools to help them perform their tasks more effectively.

Feedback and Recognition:

Constructive feedback helps team members improve, while recognizing their achievements boosts morale and motivation.

For example: Acknowledge a team member’s successful client pitch in a team meeting, or provide constructive feedback on how it could be even more impactful.



Leaders should hold team members accountable for their assigned tasks but also foster a sense of mutual accountability within the team.

For example: Use project management tools to track task completion. If a team member consistently misses deadlines, have a conversation to understand the reasons and find solutions.

Modeling Accountability:

Leaders must not only hold their team accountable but also demonstrate accountability themselves. This includes meeting their own commitments, acknowledging mistakes, and learning from them.


For example: If a decision you made didn’t yield the expected results, openly acknowledge this with the team, discuss what was learned, and how you plan to improve.

By setting clear goals and fostering a culture of accountability, leaders can drive their teams towards high performance, encouraging each member to take ownership of their work and contribute to the organization’s overall success.

Habit 5: Fostering a Collaborative Environment

Collaboration is a fundamental aspect of leadership. Successful leaders know that great ideas and innovations are born from collaboration and, thus, actively work to create an environment that encourages it. This not only improves the team’s productivity but also helps in building stronger, more cohesive teams.


Here’s how leaders can foster a collaborative environment:

Promoting Open Communication:

Leaders should promote a culture of transparency and openness where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas, opinions, and concerns.

For example, leaders can hold regular team meetings where everyone is encouraged to share their ideas or concerns without fear of judgment or criticism.


Building Trust:

Trust is the cornerstone of effective collaboration. Leaders can build trust by being transparent, consistent, and fair.

For example, admitting mistakes when they occur rather than trying to hide them shows integrity and builds trust within the team.

Valuing Diversity:

Recognizing and valuing diverse opinions and perspectives can lead to more innovative solutions and increased team performance.


For example, during brainstorming sessions, encourage everyone to share their perspectives. This includes inviting input from quieter team members who may not typically speak up.

Providing Collaborative Tools and Resources:

Technology provides numerous tools and platforms that facilitate collaboration, especially for remote teams.

For example, utilize tools like Google Workspace for collaborative document editing, Slack for team communication, and Trello for project management.


Encouraging Teamwork:

Leaders should encourage team members to work together on tasks or projects, which can foster a stronger sense of community and shared purpose.

For example, create opportunities for team members to collaborate on projects outside their usual work scope, such as a company-wide initiative or a team-building activity.

Resolving Conflicts Constructively:

Conflicts, if not managed properly, can hamper collaboration. Leaders must mediate conflicts fairly and constructively, focusing on the issue rather than personal attributes.


For example, if two team members disagree, encourage them to express their viewpoints, find common ground, and work towards a mutually beneficial solution.

By fostering a collaborative environment, leaders can tap into the collective intelligence of their teams, driving innovation, enhancing team performance, and creating a more inclusive and fulfilling workplace.

Habit 6: Encouraging Innovation and Creativity

One of the key differentiators between good and great leaders is their ability to foster an environment where innovation and creativity are not only allowed but actively encouraged. These leaders understand that innovation drives business growth and helps maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving business landscape.


Here’s how leaders can encourage innovation and creativity:

Promoting a Safe Space for Experimentation:

Leaders should create a culture where risks and failures are seen as part of the innovation process, not as setbacks.

For example, adopt a ‘fail fast, learn fast’ approach where team members are encouraged to test their ideas and learn from the outcomes.


Encouraging Diverse Thinking:

Leaders should value and encourage diverse thinking as it leads to more innovative solutions.

For example, during brainstorming sessions, include team members from diverse backgrounds and departments to bring in varied perspectives.

Rewarding Creativity:

Rewarding creative efforts and innovative ideas motivate team members to think outside the box.


For example, implement a recognition program that acknowledges and rewards innovative ideas and solutions.

Continuous Learning:

Leaders should promote continuous learning, which is critical for sparking new ideas and staying updated on industry trends.

For example, allocate time and resources for team members to attend workshops, webinars, or courses that promote creative thinking and innovation.


Leading by Example:

Leaders should be open to new ideas and approaches, showing their team that innovation is valued at all levels of the organization.

For example, share examples of how you’ve used creative problem-solving in your work, or implement new ideas proposed by team members.

By fostering an environment that encourages innovation and creativity, leaders can keep their teams motivated, engaged, and prepared to meet future challenges, thus driving the organization’s growth and success.


Habit 7: Adaptability and Flexibility

In a rapidly changing business environment, adaptability and flexibility are crucial habits for any leader. The ability to change course when necessary, to pivot in response to changing circumstances, and to embrace new ideas and approaches can be the difference between success and failure.

Here’s how leaders can demonstrate adaptability and flexibility:

Embracing Change:

Effective leaders don’t just react to change, they anticipate it and embrace it. They see change as an opportunity for learning and growth rather than a threat.


For example, if a project isn’t delivering the expected results, don’t hesitate to change the strategy or approach instead of stubbornly sticking to the plan.

Continual Learning:

Adaptable leaders are committed to continual learning. They stay updated on industry trends, acquire new skills, and encourage their team to do the same.

For example, make it a habit to read industry reports, attend relevant conferences or workshops, and participate in webinars to keep your knowledge updated.


Encouraging Agility in the Team:

Adaptable leaders foster an agile and flexible team capable of adjusting quickly to changing circumstances.

For example, promote a culture of agility by empowering team members to make decisions, minimizing bureaucracy, and encouraging rapid experimentation.

Emotional Resilience:

Being adaptable often requires managing the stress and uncertainty that come with change. Leaders need to develop emotional resilience and help their teams do the same.


For example, practice stress management techniques such as mindfulness or meditation and encourage your team to prioritize their mental well-being.

Flexible Leadership Style:

Adaptable leaders understand that different situations require different leadership styles. They adjust their approach based on the task, the team’s needs, and the specific circumstances.

For example, you might adopt a more directive style during a crisis but a more democratic style when brainstorming creative solutions.


By embodying adaptability and flexibility, leaders can navigate their teams through uncertain and changing circumstances, seize new opportunities, and ultimately drive success in today’s volatile business environment.

Habit 8: Demonstrating Integrity

Integrity is one of the most respected traits of a leader. It builds trust, promotes a positive culture, and enhances credibility. Leaders with integrity inspire their teams, earn their respect, and create an environment where people feel valued and secure.

Here’s how leaders can demonstrate integrity:



Leaders with integrity are honest and transparent in all their dealings. They tell the truth, even when difficult, and don’t withhold information.

For example, if your company is facing difficulties, it’s essential to communicate this to your team honestly and transparently.


Demonstrating integrity requires consistency. This means making sure your actions align with your words and principles.


For example, if you emphasize punctuality, ensure you’re always on time for meetings and appointments.


Leaders with integrity take responsibility for their decisions and actions, both good and bad. They don’t shift the blame onto others.

For example, if a project fails due to a decision you made, own up to it, learn from it, and plan for improvement.


Respect for Others:

Respect for others is a clear sign of integrity. Leaders should treat everyone respectfully, regardless of their role or position, and value their contributions.

For example, regularly acknowledge your team members’ hard work and contributions, and address everyone respectfully in all interactions.

Ethical Decisions:

Leaders with integrity make decisions that are ethical and fair. They consider the consequences of their decisions and strive for fairness.


For example, if two employees are in contention for a promotion, base your decision on their performance, skills, and suitability for the role, not favoritism.


Maintaining confidentiality is crucial for building trust. Leaders should not share private information unless it’s necessary and appropriate.

For example, keep the information confidential if a team member confides in you about a personal issue.


By modeling a habit of integrity, leaders can foster a culture of trust, openness, and respect in their teams. They can become role models for their team members, guiding them in their own growth and development and contributing to a healthy, productive work environment. Demonstrating integrity is not just the right thing to do; it also makes good business sense. It strengthens relationships, enhances team collaboration, and boosts organizational performance.

8 Habits to Become a More Effective Leader

Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence, and inspiration. It’s about creating a vision and empowering others to execute it. Throughout this article, we’ve explored eight essential habits that can make you a more effective leader:

  1. Understanding Leadership at Different Stages
  2. Embracing Continuous Learning
  3. Emphasizing Emotional Intelligence
  4. Setting Goals and Fostering Accountability
  5. Fostering a Collaborative Environment
  6. Encouraging Innovation and Creativity
  7. Demonstrating Adaptability and Flexibility
  8. Displaying Integrity

Each of these habits offers a unique way to improve your leadership skills and lead your team more effectively. Whether a new leader or an experienced executive, these habits can help you inspire your team, drive performance, and achieve your organizational goals.


However, understanding these habits is only the first step. The real transformation happens when you put these insights into practice. We encourage you to reflect on these habits and find ways to incorporate them into your leadership practice. Remember, becoming an effective leader is a journey, not a destination.

We’d love to hear about your leadership journey. Do you have a habit that has particularly helped you become a better leader? Perhaps you have a story about seeing these habits in action? Or maybe you’ve struggled with a particular habit and found a strategy to overcome it. Please share your experiences and strategies in the comments section below. Your insights might be just the inspiration someone needs to step up their leadership game.

Together, let’s learn, grow, and become the leaders we aspire to be.


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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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