6 Traits of Fierce Leadership

Fierce leadership is bringing great energy or enthusiasm to pursuing a cause or objective. Business is full of fluff and BS, which means fierce leaders need to ask crucial questions others are afraid to ask. They have to say what others won’t say. Fierce leaders know when to color outside the lines to disrupt the status quo. They do this by evolving the best practices that got them to where they are so they can get to where they need to be. Fierce leadership ignites emotions in themselves and, more importantly, in others.

You can acquire fierce leadership traits by paying attention and being intentional about your actions throughout the day. Become a fierce leader by practicing these traits every day.

Fierce Leaders Are Aware of Their Beliefs And Go Deeper

Leaders can easily dismiss ideas or make assumptions based on their own beliefs. Fierce leaders are aware of their thoughts and strive to remain objective. Their objectivity serves them well in making unbiased decisions, which leads to better business outcomes. A fierce leader’s objectivity is crucial when making decisions about people. Fierce leaders know that making decisions on past experiences isn’t always accurate. They know that people change, improve, and grow, or devolve. So fierce leaders regularly evaluate where people are in the moment, and they meet them there.


Hunger for Knowledge and Continous Improvement

Fierce leadership demands continuous improvement. These leaders have an insatiable appetite for acquiring new skills and also seeking to improve their behavior. Fierce leaders continuously ask for more responsibility, new assignments, and how to do their job better. Because they know the best way to improve is to seek feedback actively. They regularly solicit those they work with and ask, “what am I doing, or not doing, that is holding me back?”.

Not a Cowardly Lion – Fierce Leaders Inject Their Gained Knowledge

Fierce leaders are unafraid of stepping up to a new challenge. Because they practice continuous learning, they can quickly adapt to the unknown. Fierce leaders actively seek opportunities that stretch and expand their skills and provide them with experiences that keep them relevant. Because they aren’t cowardly, they challenge the status quo by bringing new and efficient ways to do what has always been done. Fierce leaders break the “this is how we’ve always done it” approach, thereby improving business outcomes.

Discipline is a Requirement of Fierce Leadership

For leadership to be fierce, you need to practice discipline. Fierce leaders know the more discipline they and their team employ the more freedom they will have. Being a disciplined fierce leader is knowing your people deeply. What motivates them, knowing their family, lives, and interests. Above all else, a disciplined fierce leader owns the results of what they do. Furthermore, discipline is required to break old habits and create new ones. The discipline to intentionally practice these new habits daily will create fierce leadership in you.


Fierce Leaders Easily Relate to Others

Fierce leadership builds bridges and bonds with other people, even if they can’t directly help the leader with their vision. They seek to create, build, and maintain relationships across departments and up and down the org chart. Fierce leaders naturally reach out to others for help and crave collaboration because they know that it will create better business outcomes. They practice emotional intelligence in their interactions because they understand that delivers a better interaction and leads to stronger relationships.

The Grounding of a Lightning Rod

Fierce leaders are even-keeled, level-headed, calm, and consistent. They seldom react to the constant change that inevitably will come. Because of this, fierce leaders can quickly reset expectations and refocus their teams on delivering business outcomes. They keep the team calm and help them through the change in the most productive way. Fierce leaders are sought out when a big change is coming because they can get others onboard more quickly.

Fierce leadership is going beyond the surface by remaining objective and aware of your own biases. It is about disrupting the status quo by continuous learning and bring that learning into their work. Fierce leaders create deep relationships and as a result, are critical for change management. Practicing these traits will help you to become a fierce leader.


Last updated on May 8th, 2021 at 08:00 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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