5 Ways You Are Killing Your Chances of Getting a Promotion

If you are like most people, you want to advance your career, and getting that promotion is the best sign of progress. The path to getting promoted isn’t straightforward. There are many twists and turns bumps and setbacks. Sometimes people will climb the ladder in one organization. Others will choose to move up by bouncing from company to company. Regardless of which strategy you take, there are five areas the will easily kill your chances of getting that promotion.

No question getting that promotion is hard, and there is a lot of competition out there. However, there are ways you can avoid some of the common setbacks that will derail your chances of advancing your career. These five things can kill your chances of getting that promotion, and further, keep you stuck in a dead-end job for the rest of your career.

1. Your reason for wanting a promotion is selfish

If your goal is to get promoted for a title, power, authority, or control, you will be killing your chances of advancing your career. People don’t respond well to command and control leaders. Consequently, power and authority won’t solve today’s business challenges.


Conversely, when the goal is to have a more significant impact on the people and the business, you will improve your chances of getting that promotion. Leaders today need to be versatile, collaborative, inclusive, and, more importantly, a good coach. You can’t be a good coach if you don’t care about people. You can’t care about people when you are selfish. Therefore, to get that promotion, you can’t be driven by self-serving desires.

2. You’re unfocused

There are a lot of interruptions at work that competes for your attention. Social media, open office plans, and short attention spans are the main contributors to a lack of focus. With so many businesses operating from home, the distractions have increased. In 2018, Udemy conducted a survey that found more than 70 percent of workers felt distracted on the job, with 16 percent saying they almost always feel unfocused. Excessive emails, pointless meetings, and constant interruptions were the top offenders. When you aren’t focused on the right things, it will hurt your chances of gaining that promotion and advancing your career.

To mitigate the many distractions that prevent you from focusing on the right things, schedule a golden hour. For one hour, put your phone on do not disturb, close your email and chat programs, and deny visitors entry to your workspace. As a result, your golden hour will allow you to hyper-focus on your most important tasks.


3. You’ve not developed a succession plan

Many people fail to have a succession plan. Sometimes they don’t want to coach up a peer for fear they will take their job. Others may avoid succession planning so they can remain the smartest person in the room. Even more, some feel they are more powerful and want to maintain their control by hoarding information. If there is no one to take your place, it is harder for you to get that promotion, get sick, or take vacation time.

Succession planning ensures there is a strategy for someone to step in when you get that promotion. It is cross-training your peers or employees on your primary responsibilities and competencies. Develop these employees through training and valuable work experience so they can take over when the time comes. The best time to start training your replacement is the day you start your new role.

4. You can’t maneuver through the office politics

Have you ever wondered why you keep getting overlooked for stretch assignments or promotions despite your above-average performance? If so, you probably ignore what is going on in your company. Most likely, you avoid office politics and, as a result, are ignorant about how promotion decisions are made. Even worse, you stay in your corner and fail to nurture valuable relationships with people who have influence and power over your career. These things will stop you from getting that promotion.


Avoiding office politics will sabotage your career and prevent you from getting that promotion. Instead, it would help if you become politically savvy. Pay attention to what is happening in the organization. Understand that your work alone will not be enough to get you that promotion. Be aware of what is happening in your organization. Paying attention will help you understand who has power and influence over your career. It provides clarity over the rules, including the unwritten ones. Paying attention gives a more in-depth insight into the culture of the organization. Doing the best job you can and being politically savvy will help you get that promotion.

5. You aren’t showing up and leaning in

Many people mistakenly believe that showing up, on time, and doing their job is enough to get them a promotion. However, that is the bare minimum required to keep your job. Employees who are coasting by get labeled disengaged. They don’t participate in discussions and avoid interacting with peers. Furthermore, these employees come across as bored or idle. There is so much competition in the office that it isn’t enough to show up every day.

Showing up and leaning in will help you get that promotion. Show up when required, dressed for the role you want, and prepared. Lean in by engaging, participating, and presenting problems and solutions. Ask questions, bring your struggles, and asking for help. Showing up isn’t enough, but showing up and leaning in will help you get that promotion.


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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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