5 Leadership Traits Employees Demand Now

To create a thriving workplace, leaders need to possess a set of updated leadership traits. The coronavirus has changed what employees will accept from their leaders. While some of these qualities may be familiar, others are newer and reflect the changing needs of employees. For example, today’s workforce wants its leaders to be more humanistic and supportive. So read on if you’re looking to become a more effective leader or simply want to understand what traits employees need from their leadership team! This blog post will discuss five updated qualities leaders need to create a positive employee experience.

Three typical approaches leaders take to develop their traits

When it comes to leadership traits, leaders take three common approaches: getting ahead, what the board wants, and what they’ve learned from other leaders.

Leadership Traits to Advance Their Career

While leaders need to develop the qualities that will help them succeed, adopting traits to get ahead can often be a bad approach. Leaders who only focus on what will help them move up the ladder may neglect the needs of their employees. This can lead to an unhappy and unproductive workforce. Additionally, when a leader’s primary concern is their own advancement, they may be less likely to make decisions that are in the company’s best interest.


Leadership Traits the Board Wants

When it comes to leadership traits, many leaders adopt the qualities the board wants. This can be a bad approach, as the board’s values may not always reflect the needs of employees. For example, leaders may make unfavorable decisions for their workers if the board values profit over employee satisfaction. Additionally, when leadership focuses too much on what the board wants, they may be less likely to innovate or take risks. This can lead to stagnation and a lack of progress for the company.

Observing Others’ Leadership Traits

When it comes to leadership traits, leaders often look to other leaders for guidance. This can be a bad approach, as the qualities that work for one leader may not work for another. Additionally, when leaders rely too much on copying others, they may not be able to develop their own unique leadership style. This can lead to stagnation and a lack of progress for the company.

So what should leaders do instead? First, they should focus on developing qualities that will benefit themselves and their employees. Leaders can create a positive and productive environment by recognizing the qualities their employees need from them to feel supported and valued.


Regardless of a leader’s approach, it’s important to remember that leadership is a journey, not a destination. In addition, leaders use different traits in different situations. So leaders should be flexible and prepared to learn and grow with their team!

What are the updated traits of good leadership?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the traits that make a good leader vary depending on the situation and organization. However, there are some updated traits essential for good leadership. Some of the most important leadership traits include:

Leading with empathy

Leading with empathy is one of the updated leadership traits of a good leader. Empathy is the ability to feel and understand the emotions of others, and it is essential for creating a positive employee experience. When leaders can put themselves in their employees’ shoes and understand their feelings, they are better equipped to handle difficult situations and create a supportive work environment.


Empathy also helps leaders build better relationships with their employees. When employees feel understood and appreciated by their leader, they are more likely to be motivated and productive. In addition, strong relationships between leaders and employees can help strengthen communication and cooperation within the team.

Leading with empathy is crucial for leaders to create a thriving workplace where employees feel supported and valued.

Earning deep trust

Leaders who earn deep trust from their employees are those who have consistently demonstrated the following qualities:

  • Integrity: Leaders with integrity are honest and ethical in their actions. They do not make promises they cannot keep, and they always behave in a way that is consistent with their values. Employees can trust that leaders with integrity will always put the organization’s best interests first.
  • Respect: Leaders who respect their employees show them courtesy and consideration. They listen to employees’ opinions and take their views into account when making decisions. Leaders who respect their employees create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated.
  • Compassion: Leaders with heart care about the well-being of their employees. They understand that people have personal lives outside of work and are willing to be flexible when necessary. Compassionate leaders offer support during difficult times and help employees maintain a healthy work-life balance.

When you demonstrate these leadership traits consistently, you earn the trust of your employees. As a result, employees feel confident that their leader has their best interests at heart and are more likely to be motivated and productive. A strong relationship based on trust is critical for building a successful team.


Self-aware leaders know their strengths and weaknesses and can be honest with themselves. They do not try to be someone they are not and do not shy away from feedback. Instead, they use self-awareness to improve their leadership skills continuously.

Being self-aware also allows leaders to understand their employees better. For example, when leaders understand their employees’ personalities and preferences, they can create a workplace that is best suited for them. In addition, leaders can better manage difficult situations and maintain a positive attitude when they are aware of their own emotions.


Self-awareness is an updated leadership trait necessary for success because it helps you grow and improve. In addition, leaders can create a more effective and positive workplace culture by being aware of themselves and their employees.

Emotional intelligence

Leaders with emotional intelligence can understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of their employees. When leaders are emotionally intelligent, they are better able to handle difficult situations and maintain a positive attitude. In addition, they are better equipped to build relationships with their employees.

Emotional intelligence is an updated leadership trait because it helps leaders be more effective coaches and mentors. When leaders understand the emotions that their employees are experiencing, they can provide more effective feedback and guidance. Additionally, emotionally intelligent leaders can help employees deal with stress and adversity.


Overall, emotional intelligence is a critical leadership trait that helps leaders manage difficult situations and build strong relationships with their employees. By understanding their own and employees’ emotions, leaders can create a more positive work environment for everyone.

Openness to differences

Leaders who are open to differences are more likely to accept new ideas and perspectives. They are not afraid of change and are willing to try new things. Leaders who are open to differences understand that different perspectives can help them grow as individuals and as a team.

In addition, leaders who are open to differences create a more inclusive workplace. Employees feel appreciated and respected when their leader is open to their ideas and beliefs. This type of leadership fosters an environment of inclusion, where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.


Openness to differences is a critical leadership trait that helps leaders learn new things and build a more inclusive workplace. By being open to new ideas and perspectives, leaders can create a more effective and positive work environment for everyone.

What do employees need to thrive in the workplace?

Employees need their leadership team to be clear about the company’s goals and objectives. They need to feel like they are part of a team working together to achieve a common goal.

Leaders need to be transparent and communicative with their employees. Employees also need leaders who are authentic and genuine. They need to trust their leadership team to feel comfortable following them.


Leaders should also be encouraging and positive. They should reward employees for their effort and provide constructive feedback when necessary.

Lastly, leaders should be flexible and adaptable. The workplace is constantly changing and evolving, so leaders need to be able to change with it.

There are five essential qualities that effective leaders should possess to create a thriving workplace: leading with empathy, earning deep trust, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and openness to differences.


In addition, employees must understand the goals and objectives, have transparency and communication, receive encouragement and positivity, and be flexible, adaptable leaders.

Do you possess these qualities? If not, start working on developing them so you can be an effective leader and create a thriving workplace for your employees.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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