15 Areas Leaders Must Support and Develop Their Managers

Leaders need to support and develop their managers. After all, they are the ones who are responsible for carrying out your vision and driving results. In this blog post, we will discuss 14 ways that you can help improve your middle managers’ skills. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to developing a strong management team capable of achieving great things!

What is a middle manager?

Middle managers are critical to the success of any organization. They are responsible for overseeing other employees’ work. Middle managers help implement the vision and strategy set by the organization’s leaders and are responsible for driving results. They bridge the gap between senior leadership and front-line employees and ensure that directives from the top are executed effectively.

To be effective, middle managers need to understand the big picture and the details of their work. They also need to manage people effectively and motivate them to achieve results.


What are the qualities of a good middle manager?

A good middle manager can improve employees’ skills and help them grow in their careers. They need to be able to inspire and motivate their team and be good communicators. They should also be able to work well under pressure and make decisions quickly.

How can leaders support and develop their managers?

Leaders can support and develop their managers by providing them with resources, training, and development opportunities. They can also create a positive work environment where managers feel appreciated and valued. Leaders should also give clear direction and feedback to help managers improve their skills.

15 Ways Leaders Can Help Their Managers Improve Their Skills

To be effective, middle managers need support from their leaders in these critical areas to improve their skills and performance:


1. Help them understand the details of their work

Middle managers need to understand the details of their work well. This includes understanding what their goals are, what resources they have available, and what steps they need to take to achieve their objectives. Leaders can help by providing regular updates on these things and ensuring that managers have everything they need to do their job effectively.

2. Help them develop a strong understanding of the company’s vision and strategy.

Middle managers need a strong understanding of the company’s vision and strategy to be effective. They need to know where the company is going and how they fit into the organization’s goals. Leaders should help middle managers develop a deep understanding of the company’s vision and strategy. Leaders can do this by giving them clear direction and explaining how their department’s work ties into the company’s overall goal.

3. Encourage them to take on new challenges.

Encouraging managers to take on new challenges is a great way to help improve their skills. By exposing them to new tasks and responsibilities, leaders can help them learn new things and grow their abilities. This can be a great way for managers to improve their skills and stay current in their field.


4. Help them stay up-to-date with changes in the industry.

To support and develop their managers, leaders need to help them stay up-to-date with changes in the industry. This can be done by providing them with resources like articles, books, or online courses or by arranging for them to attend conferences or workshops. Leaders can also give their managers regular updates on changes in the industry so that they can keep their knowledge current. By doing this, leaders can help their managers stay ahead of the curve and improve their skills.

5. Give them feedback on their performance.

All employees need feedback on their performance to improve their skills. Middle managers are no exception. Therefore, when developing middle managers, critical feedback is one of the most important things leaders can do. Feedback should be specific, actionable, and timely to be most effective. Leaders should also make an effort to give positive feedback as well, to reinforce good behaviors.

6. Help them develop strong management skills.

Middle managers need strong management skills to be successful. Therefore, leaders should help their middle managers develop these skills by providing them with training and mentorship opportunities. As a result, they learn how to manage people effectively and motivate them to achieve results.


7. Encourage them to build relationships with other departments.

Middle managers need to build relationships with other departments if they want to be successful. Therefore, leaders should encourage middle managers to reach out to other departments and collaborate on projects. Building relationships will help improve communication between departments and enable them to work more effectively towards common goals.

8. Help them develop a good understanding of financials.

Leaders should help their middle managers develop a good understanding of financials to make sound decisions about allocating resources within their departments. Leaders can do this by providing financial training opportunities or assigning a financial mentor who can guide them through the basics of financial management.

9. Encourage them to think outside the box.

Middle managers must be creative in finding new and innovative solutions to problems. Leaders should encourage middle managers to think outside the box and create creative solutions to challenges. Leaders can do this by providing opportunities to brainstorm with other managers and allowing them the freedom to experiment with new ideas.


10. Help them develop their people skills.

Leaders can help their managers improve their people skills by providing feedback and coaching on how to be more effective in their interactions with others. Leaders can also provide training on how to give and receive feedback, as well as how to handle difficult conversations.

11. Help them improve their communication and problem-solving skills.

Leaders must support and develop their managers to improve their communication and problem-solving skills. By doing so, leaders can help their managers become more effective at their jobs. For example, improving communication skills can help managers communicate better with their teams, while enhancing problem-solving skills can help managers solve problems more effectively. This, in turn, will make the team more productive and successful.

12. Give them opportunities to lead projects and initiatives.

Leaders can give their managers opportunities to lead projects and initiatives in a few ways. One way is by assigning them specific tasks to lead. Another way is by having them lead team meetings or project reviews. Leaders can also allow managers to present their work at staff meetings or company-wide events. Lastly, leaders can provide their managers with feedback and coaching on their leadership skills.


13. Help them develop their management skills and leadership ability.

Leaders can support and develop their managers by helping them develop their management skills and leadership ability. You can do this in several ways, including providing training and development opportunities, offering feedback and coaching, and allowing them to lead projects and teams. Leaders who help their managers develop their management and leadership skills and abilities will improve their team’s productivity and morale and create a more effective and efficient organization.

14. Allow them to shadow senior leaders and learn from their experience.

Leaders support and develop their managers by allowing them to shadow senior leaders and learn from their experiences. Shadowing will enable them to see how the role is performed at a higher level and learn from the senior leader’s methods and strategies. This also allows them to ask questions and get feedback.

15. Allow them to attend training courses and professional development events.

Leaders can support and develop their managers by allowing them to attend training courses and professional development events. This allows them to improve their skills and knowledge, which can help them do their jobs better. It also shows that leader values their managers and wants them to be the best they can be.


Leaders play a critical role in the development of their managers. By providing resources, training, and development opportunities, leaders can help their managers improve their skills and grow in their careers. In addition, Leaders should create a positive work environment where managers feel appreciated and valued. Clear direction and feedback are also essential for helping managers improve their skills. This article has given ideas for supporting and developing your middle managers.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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