11 Tenets to Transform Your Leadership Culture

Leadership culture is how things are done; it’s how people interact, make decisions, and influence others. Leaders’ own conscious and unconscious beliefs drive decisions and behaviors, and repeated behaviors become leadership practices. Because these practices eventually become the patterns of leadership culture, leaders must understand their responsibility in creating or changing it to transform it.

Transformational leaders understand that a leadership culture doesn’t start with a written document but with their actions and behaviors. This blog post will discuss eleven tenets that will help transform your leadership culture.

What is leadership culture, and why is it important?

Leadership culture is the system of beliefs and practices that guide how leaders interact with each other, make decisions, and work with employees. It’s important because it shapes the way people think, feel, and act in an organization.


Leadership culture drives the behavior of individuals and teams, which in turn determines the success or failure of an organization. A strong leadership culture contributes to positive employee engagement, high performance, and organizational effectiveness.

The eleven tenets to transform your leadership culture

Transformational leadership is all about creating a culture of effective leadership, where people are inspired to do their best work and achieve great things. These eleven tenets will help you to create that culture:

1. Understand the emotional needs of each team member

Leaders transform the leadership culture by understanding the emotional needs of their team. Tap into the emotions of your team members and understand what makes them feel motivated and driven. When leaders can do this, they can create a culture in which team members feel valued and appreciated, and they are more likely to be willing to give their best effort.


Some ways to understand and meet the emotional needs of team members include:

  • Asking open-ended questions about their personal life and interests
  • Showing interest in their work and giving feedback that is specific and positive
  • Encouraging them to take breaks and step away from work when needed
  • Offering support during difficult times

2. Acknowledge when failed initiatives require a change in direction

Leaders who do not acknowledge when failed initiatives require a change in direction can quickly find themselves and their team members spinning their wheels. You transform your leadership culture when you admit things haven’t gone as planned. Open up the lines of communication and work together with the team to develop a new plan of action. Additionally, admitting failure allows team members to feel comfortable bringing forth new ideas and taking risks, knowing they will be supported even if they fail.

When leaders refuse to admit defeat, it conveys to the team that failure is not an option. Unfortunately, this type of pressure can lead to unhealthy competition and division within the team. In contrast, when leaders are transparent about their mistakes and open to change, they transform the leadership culture into one of trust and support for one another. This collaborative environment is essential for innovation and problem-solving.


3. Gather information and ask questions

To make informed decisions, leaders need to gather information and ask questions. This is especially important when it comes to transforming the leadership culture. Leaders need to be aware of how things are done and how their own beliefs and behaviors influence the culture. By gathering information and asking questions, leaders can identify areas that need improvement and make changes accordingly. Additionally, this process helps create a culture of openness and communication, which is essential for a healthy organization.

4. Find time and space to think to transform your leadership culture

The demands of the modern workplace are relentless. Leaders are constantly pulled in multiple directions and asked to make quick decisions. Unfortunately, this can often lead to a focus on the urgent rather than the important. As a result, leaders can make decisions without fully understanding all of the implications.

To transform the leadership culture, it’s crucial to find time and space for deep thinking about important but not urgent aspects of your work. This allows you to take the time to understand the implications of your decisions and develop a long-term strategy. It gives you time to reflect and refine your conscious and unconscious beliefs that drive your decisions and behaviors.


When you take the time to think deeply about your work, you’ll be able to make better decisions and lead your team more effectively.

5. Sheild direct reports from blame

Accountability starts with the leader. Transform the leadership culture by taking ownership of your team. When things go wrong, don’t blame direct reports. Instead, accept responsibility and work to correct the problem. As a result, you create a culture of trust and accountability.

By taking responsibility, leaders set an example for others to follow. When things go wrong, everyone takes ownership and works together to solve the problem. Shielding direct reports from blame transforms the leadership culture and creates a more productive and positive work environment.


6. Keep your word

One of the most important things a leader can do to transform the leadership culture is to keep their word. When people know they can trust their leaders to follow through on their commitments, it builds confidence and creates a sense of stability. Leaders who consistently break their promises quickly lose the respect of those around them and create an atmosphere of mistrust.

Get clear about what you’re promising, and follow through on your commitments. Even when things go wrong, taking responsibility and making things right sends a powerful message about your integrity. Leaders who keep their word inspire trust and confidence, transforming the leadership culture.

7. Be accessible, and easy to approach

Leaders play a critical role in developing and sustaining a healthy leadership culture. Leaders need to be accessible and easy to approach to transform the leadership culture. They need to be visible and available to their team members, and they need to be responsive to the needs of their team.


Leaders who are accessible and easy to approach create an environment where people feel comfortable coming to them with ideas, suggestions, and concerns. They establish trust and rapport with their team, and they foster a sense of community and collaboration. By being accessible and easy to approach, leaders transform the leadership culture because they create an environment where people feel valued and appreciated and encourage open communication and creativity.

8. Set a standard of mutual respect and dignity to transform your leadership culture

Good leaders understand the power of respect and dignity. They set the tone for their team by treating everyone with respect, no matter their experience, tenure, or position. They transform the leadership culture into one of mutual respect, where everyone is valued and has a voice. Leaders who uphold these values create a more positive and productive work environment, where people are more likely to give their best effort.

9. Exhaust all opportunities for compromise before imposing a directive

You transform the leadership culture when all opportunities for compromise are exhausted before imposing a directive. This requires a leader to be patient and listen attentively to their team’s concerns. By taking the time to understand the team’s point of view, the leader can find common ground and build consensus. Only then is it possible to issue a directive that the team will embrace. A leader who fails to follow this approach will likely face resistance from the team, leading to dysfunction and poor results.


10. Put ambition for the collective interest above your self-interest

When a leader puts the ambition of the collective interest above their self-interest, they can transform the leadership culture. When the leader no longer focuses on themselves and what they can get out of the situation, they focus on what is best for the group and organization. Doing this creates an environment where people are working together towards a common goal, resulting in great things for the team and organization.

11. Assume full responsibility for a pivotal decision

A leader who takes full responsibility for a pivotal decision transforms the leadership culture for the better. When leaders make a mistake, they need to own up to it and learn from it. The leader sets an example for others in the organization and demonstrates that accountability is important.

Additionally, by assuming full responsibility, the leader takes ownership of the situation and shows that they are willing to do whatever it takes to resolve the issue. They inspire others to step up and take ownership of their work, leading to a more cohesive and effective team.


Overall, when leaders assume full responsibility for their decisions, they can transform the leadership culture into one that is more effective and accountable.

What are the benefits of transforming your leadership culture with these tenets?

Leaders who follow these tenets transform the leadership culture. When leaders embrace these values, they will be more effective and efficient. Everyone is on the same page and knows what is expected of them. They improve the overall company culture, which improves retention, engagement, and results.

Additionally, a leadership culture that puts the organization’s ambition above self-interest will create an environment where people are working together towards a common goal.


Finally, a leadership culture that assumes full responsibility for pivotal decisions can inspire others to step up and take ownership of their work. Overall, leaders who embrace these tenets can expect to see improved results for their organization and a more effective and cohesive team.

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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